ACBC Fundamental Training Course – Facilitator Registration

    Please review the policies below.

Review IBCD’s Fundamental Training Course policies here:

  • All participants using the CDC material, whether accessing the material through their church, Individual Subscription, or free audio resources to satisfy ACBC’s Phase 1 requirements must fill out our registration form. If a participant neglects to fill out their form, their training will not be approved by IBCD or ACBC
  • If you are the facilitator of a group, please be sure of the following:
    • Before working through the material, fill out a facilitator registration form here.
    • Each of your participants attends each session (or makes up the material on their own time)
    • Each participant should fill out this form.
    • You may facilitate discussion after viewing the videos together, but facilitators are not to offer any extra teaching. If you’d like to add commentary, please clearly state that your personal teaching is not officially approved teaching from ACBC. This is because approved ACBC training must be taught by an ACBC Fellow. If you engage in extraneous teaching, your course will be disqualified for ACBC and IBCD approval. Your participants will not be eligible for ACBC Certification.
  • If your church has purchased the physical Observation DVDs, you may watch our DVDs in a group setting
  • If you have purchased an Individual Subscription, you may not use that subscription to stream the videos to a group setting. Please see the Supporting Church options or email for information on licensing
  • Individual Subscriptions are meant to be used for individuals only and not meant to be shared. Sharing subscriptions diminishes our ability to report to ACBC whether or not a participant has completed the material. If your account has been shared, your application will be denied.
  • Some groups will meet weekly to discuss the content, but expect participants to view the videos on their own time. This is an approved way to use Individual Subscriptions
  • An individual may use our free audios for CDC Level 1 and CDC Level 2 to satisfy ACBC’s Phase 1 30 hour teaching requirement. Each individual must fill out the registration form. These individuals will need to access observation hours either in person with a local ACBC Certified counselor or through ACBC approved observation videos. You can access IBCD’s observation videos through an Individual Subscription
  • If you are an institution, like a seminary or university, and would like to use the videos in your class, please email for licensing options
  • The complete requirements of the CDC program are not necessary to become certified through ACBC, but they are very helpful. IBCD’s CDC lectures alone, without the exams, applications, and interviews, can be used to meet ACBC’s Phase 1 requirements.