011 Interview with Milton Vincent {Clip 4 | 01:36}

April 12, 2017

You are viewing a clip from the Care & Discipleship Podcast.

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Confession of sin for a believer, a justified believer of Christ is the precursor to gospel confession.

I like talking about the magnitude of my sin and reminding myself of what I deserve for my sin because it just sets me up to appreciate the grace of God.

When you read the Puritans, like in the Valley of Vision, sometimes if you look at particular lines, you think, “Man, those guys are beating themselves up,” but look at how those prayers finish. They’re just setting themselves up to be dazzled by the grace of God. If I confess my sins, and I want to make this point tomorrow that I should not just confess my sins but I also need to make gospel confessions regarding my sins, that Christ has died for my sins. He has provided atonement for my sins, and there is no condemnation. Who is there who condemns? Christ is the one who has died, and as God has justified me, who shall separate me from the love of Christ? My goodness, if my confessions of sin always climaxed with gospel confessions like what we see in Romans 8, then it’s a wonderful discipline when those things come together.


  • Milton Vincent
    Milton Vincent has served as Pastor-Teacher of Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church since 1992. He is the author of A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God’s Love, a book that emerged from his chronic struggle to understand and rest in his standing as a justified one before God. What started as a few notes on an index card morphed into a spiral-bound booklet, and then into its present published edition which has brought gospel help to many. Milton and his wife, Donna, were married in 1987 and have four grown children and two grandchildren. He is a graduate of Bob Jones University (BA) and The Master’s Seminary (MDiv) in Sun Valley, CA, where he also served as a Faculty Associate. Most of all, Milton is a sinner saved by the grace of God through Christ, and he delights to speak of God’s amazing grace to all who care to listen.
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