Hope + Help for Bipolar Disorder with Dr. Charles Hodges

by, IBCD Admin
May 25, 2020

About the Episode

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Dr. Charles Hodges about his book, Good Mood, Bad Mood: Help and Hope for Depression and Bipolar Disorder. During the conversation, Dr. Hodges summarizes the current diagnostic criteria for depression and bipolar disorder, and describes the differences between “normal” and “disordered” sadness. He also explains why recent scientific findings pertaining to brain plasticity offer hope to those labeled with mood disorders and suggests why over-identifying with a psychological diagnosis can stunt spiritual growth. Lastly, Dr. Hodges highlights the importance of setting God-oriented goals with counselees labeled with bipolar disorder, and offers words of encouragement for sufferers feeling hopeless for meaningful life change.

About the Guest

Dr. Charles Hodges is a family physician who practices medicine in Indiana, is board certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics, and is a licensed marital family therapist. He is also the Executive Director of Vision of Hope, which is a residential facility for women who struggle with eating disorders, self-harm, OCD, substance abuse, and other problems. Dr. Hodges is a graduate of the Indiana University School of Medicine, Liberty University, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary with degrees in medicine, counseling, and religion. He teaches and counsels at the Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry and also teaches on medical subjects in biblical counseling around the country and abroad. He and his wife, Helen, have 4 children and 13 grandchildren. 

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Additional Resources from Dr. Charles Hodges

Good Mood, Bad Mood: Help and Hope for Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Depression and bipolar disorder are two of the most common diagnoses made in medicine today. Good Mood, Bad Mood; examines whether we are in an epidemic or if we have simply misdiagnosed common sadness as depression. Current research in the medical community seems to indicate that the criteria we use to diagnose depression has resulted in an increased and incorrect labeling of common sadness as depression. While medical treatment is now the commonly accepted way to deal with pain and sadness, its promise has not been fulfilled. In Good Mood, Bad Mood, Dr. Charles Hodges offers an explanation to help the reader see the importance of sadness and the hope that God gives us in His Word.


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About the Podcast

The Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics regarding life’s challenging problems. Hosted by IBCD Outreach Director Christine M. Chappell. Listeners can subscribe on major streaming platforms such as Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundcloud, & iHeart.


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