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Brian Borgman
Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Pastoral Lessons from Dealing with Addictions

During 25 years of ministry, we have seen many struggle with addiction. We have made many mistakes, we have seen people abandon the faith, but we have also seen God rescue souls. This session will focus on pastoral lessons learned and will also feature the testimonies of some who repented and were restored.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Having Biblical Expectations in Counseling

Biblical counseling is really about sanctification and growth in the Christian life. How much transformation can we expect? This session will use the New Testament pattern of the already and the not yet to help frame our expectations in counseling. 

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Continuationists, Cessationists, and Counseling

If the Holy Spirit is necessary in our counseling, what exactly is His role? What gifts does He employ? This session will briefly sketch the theological positions and identify how each position impacts our view of the Spirit’s role in counseling and the sufficiency of God’s Word.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Counseling Struggling Adoptive Parents

How can we help adoptive families when the excitement begins to subside and the realities begin to sink in? Despair and isolation are real experiences for many. This session is not only for adoptive parents, but it is also for those who counsel adoptive parents.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Counseling and Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is an ever-present reality for the child of God. A balanced view of spiritual warfare can help both counselors and counselees. This session will examine the truths of spiritual warfare as it applies to the various dimensions of biblical counseling.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

The Grace and Grit of Adoption Part 1

Often adoption is romanticized and the challenges are minimized, leaving adoptive parents feeling guilty as they struggle with their child. This two-part message will deal with some of its common challenges and help equip counselors to minister to adoptive parents.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Caring When You Don’t Feel Like Caring

How do we care for others when we just don’t feel like it? This message will discuss the call for Christians to care for others, the challenges that arise in caring for others, and what we shoulld do when our emotions run contrary to this.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Does God Care How I Feel?

There is a biblical theology of the emotions which should play a critical role in much counseling. This workshop will address the subject of the emotions in the Christian life and lay the biblical-theological foundation for understanding the emotions.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

Caring Because Christ Cares

Christ cares for his people so much that he was made like them in every respect. He did this that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest who can help them in their temptations. We are encouraged to care for others when we see how much Christ cares for them.

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Save the Saints: The Church’s Role and Responsibility in Rescuing the Wandering

The Grace and Grit of Adoption Part 2

Often adoption is romanticized and the challenges are minimized, leaving adoptive parents feeling guilty as they struggle with their child. This two-part message will deal with some of its common challenges and help equip counselors to minister to adoptive parents.

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