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Chelsey Gordon
The Power of Narrative in Parenting

The Power of Narrative in Parenting

  “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as...

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Domestic Abuse Victims: Sinners or Sufferers?

Domestic Abuse Victims: Sinners or Sufferers?

  “I love my husband and desire a godly marriage, but over the years I’ve been worn down under the weight of my husband’s constant criticism, anger, harsh words, and control. I live like a child in my own home, with almost no voice and little decision-making...

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Three Benefits of Childhood Catechesis

Three Benefits of Childhood Catechesis

by Chelsey Gordon One afternoon as I rushed my crew through the aisles of Aldi, hoping to get in and out without a small child throwing a tantrum or requiring a bathroom break, my two-year-old looked up at me from the front of the cart with a grin. “Momma?” she asked....

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Loving our Littlest Neighbors

Loving our Littlest Neighbors

Many Christian parents lack confidence in their biblical knowledge or feel ill equipped to correctly answer their child’s theological questions. These parents rightly desire to grow in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9-10) and to be ready to give an answer...

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Bible Literacy: Developed or Assumed?

Bible Literacy: Developed or Assumed?

“Blessed are those who keep His testimonies,  Who seek Him with their whole heart,  Who also do no wrong but walk in His ways! You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. Your testimonies are my delight.  They are my counselors.” Psalm 119: 2-4, 24 As...

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Counseling with Metanarrative in Mind

Counseling with Metanarrative in Mind

When counseling, I have the privilege of entering into the story of another. These individual narratives, unique to the characters inhabiting them, involve a variety of movements. Though some are predicable, following the usual patterns and challenges of life, many...

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Right Priorities in Counseling Supervision

Right Priorities in Counseling Supervision

“A good counselor is first a good counselee.” This biblical counseling mantra is never more true than in the final supervision phase of the ACBC certification process. It was while being supervised by ACBC Fellow, Dr. Nicholas Ellen, that I learned a helpful acronym...

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