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Avoiding Gossip in Friendships

Friendships with Adult Children

Finding my Identity as a Biblical Counselor
” How should I think and feel about myself if my counselees reject what I have been...

Keeping Your Faith and Sanity with a Prodigal Child
This workshop will give you practical tools for keeping your grip on Christ while your children reject what you cherish the most. It also contains instruction on how to design daily truth statements to steady your mind when fear for your child’s eternal destiny overwhelms you.

Living In Freedom Amidst Broken Relationships
God is in the reconciliation business therefore we must also be. The consequences of failure to reconcile are severe but the results of true reconciliation bring peace and joy. This workshop teaches the road to reconciliation through humble confrontation and forgiveness.

The Hypersexualization of Children and Youth
Ever wonder how to respond to the hypersexualized messages our children are consuming? This workshop gives very practical applications of gospel promises and gospel warnings to our preteens and teens.

I’ve Lost My Teen to a Machine! How the Gospel Frees Your Teen From Device Addiction
Our teens seem totally distracted by their smart phones and video games. People of all ages are talking about how hard it is to put down their devices. This message examines how gospel promises as well as gospel threatenings can set us free of life dominating habits.

Forgetting the Past While Pressing On
Are you aware what serial relationships can do to your chances for a permanent relationship? It is even possible to overcome your past trauma? Are feelings never to be trusted? This workshop teaches some vital concepts for enduring relationships.

Ministering to ADHD Patients and Their Families
Is your hyper thinking and wildly acting loved one a worse sinner than those calm family members; or is there something organic and biological contributing something to this? Or could it be both? This message seeks to give balanced answers to questions about ADHD.