Keynote speaker Mark Shaw works with Vision of Hope, a women’s residential program that...

Keynote speaker Mark Shaw works with Vision of Hope, a women’s residential program that...
So you have those kinds of stories. We have girls that have been trafficked and treated just brutally. To see them now loving Jesus and having a different understanding of who God is, trusting him. It’s fabulous. They serve. They’re delightful to be around.
Keynote speaker Mark Shaw works with Vision of Hope, a women’s residential program that deals with addictions, eating disorders, self-harm and unplanned pregnancies. This interview with Craig and Jim was recorded live at the 2017 Institute “Addictions: Grace for the Journey.”
I always say that the church needs people who have been struggling with idolatry and addiction, because they know how to lay down their lives, they’ve just laid it down for the wrong thing, for alcohol and drugs.
This session provides a critique of Alcoholics Anonymous (& other self-help groups) and Celebrate Recovery. It seeks to identify how messages in these programs undermine the Word of God and op-pose the Gospel.
Families of addicts often need help as much as the addicts themselves. This session gives biblical passages and practical help for counseling the families of addicts. It also discusses how idolatry im-pacts the family, how enabling hurts rather than helps, and what can be seen when an addict truly repents.
Learn how to offer hope in your biblical counsel of self-injurers by treating it as sinful heart issue rather than mental illness.
When an “addict” repents, you will know it. Learn how to identify the fruit of repentance found only in an abiding relationship with Christ.
In this session we will identify three idolatrous heart issues in all people and find out how these desires connect our flesh with the temptations of the world’s system and the devil. This topic helps counselors work with any counselee, especially the addicted
Gain insight into the heart of an addict to learn how to competently counsel someone struggling with addiction through an exposition of Proverbs 23:29-35.