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Milton Vincent
Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

Some of those whom we call “prodigals” have experienced faith-shattering events that contribute to their loss of hope in Christ, just like Christ’s earliest followers who found themselves reeling from the devastating events of Christ’s suffering and crucifixion. Wonderfully, the resurrected Christ meets these disappointed souls in their despair and reawakens their faith one step at a time.  As a result of His thoughtful ministry to them, their faith is revived and deepened; and we are left with an example to follow as we seek to minister to certain prodigals in our lives.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

011 Interview with Milton Vincent {Clip 2 | 01:35}

The gospel is staggeringly good news. It’s such good news that it’s hard to believe. I remember one couple that I was counseling with, they both were just ridden with guilt, beating each other, beating themselves up and each other, just very discouraged in their walk with the Lord. I remember walking them through the very truths about justification that are taught in Scripture and that we talk about in the Gospel Primer.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

011 Interview with Milton Vincent {Transcript}

Milton discusses how his book, The Gospel Primer, developed from God radically transforming the way he understood resting in his justification and his continual need to preach the gospel to himself and to his flock. He also explained how his general session on, Confessing Our Way to Joy, sets forth truths from Romans 7 which are essential for believers in their struggles against sin.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

011 Interview with Milton Vincent

This interview was recorded live on-site at the 2016 IBCD Summer Institute entitled Disordered Desires: Bringing Grace to Modern Sexuality. Milton discusses how his book, The Gospel Primer, developed from God radically transforming the way he understood resting in his justification and his continual need to preach the gospel to himself and to his flock. He also explained how his general session on, Confessing Our Way to Joy, sets forth truths from Romans 7 which are essential for believers in their struggles against sin.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

Confessing our Way to Joy

The truest measure of a Christian and a Christian’s character is not determined by whether or not they fall but by what they do after they fall. This session explains how real confession, both to God and others, is the pathway back to joy for believers who have fallen into sin.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

A Family Surprised by Grace

The amazing grace of God as expressed through the good news of the gospel has a profound impact on all of life. This session is one man’s testimony of the impact of God’s surprising grace on his family and his church.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

Seeing Your Justification Clearly

When we have a distorted view of reality, we suffer as a result. This session will unpack five truths that will help you develop a proper view of your reality in Christ as it is described in the doctrine of justification by faith.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

Extending God’s Grace Through Hospitality

“Hospitality fleshes out love in a uniquely personal and sacrificial way.” This session will explore the command to all believers to show hospitality, examine several examples from the Scriptures and discuss how it opens up opportunities to share the gospel.

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Resurrecting a Shattered Faith – Luke 24

Amazing Grace for Dads who Fall Short

Many christian men feel overwhelmed by failure in their role as a father.  This session will seek to encourage dads with the grace God has for them and help them get a vision of the amazing opportunity they have to teach their children about His grace.

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