I kind of feel like saying to churches, you can’t call people to celibacy unless you are providing the kind of family and community that the Bible says churches should be.

I kind of feel like saying to churches, you can’t call people to celibacy unless you are providing the kind of family and community that the Bible says churches should be.
Our enemy is never flesh and blood. Certain ideologies are, and we need to take those on. Other people, we got to fight the right battle and the right field.
It’s a hard word, but it’s a good word, because Jesus exists by, it’s in losing our life to him that we receive our life; we gain it. Obviously, there are particular things bound up with that. If you’re a same sex attraction, there are certain aspects of the self that we have to say no to.
Live Interviews on site at the 2016 Summer Institute
We live in a world that is confused and confusing on the issue of sexual identity. The truth is we really don’t know our true identity until we know Christ. This session discusses the need for, the components and the goodness of a biblical understanding of sexual identity
Our culture offers a particular narrative about homosexuality, describing a move from repression to a place of flourishing by embracing a homosexual identity. This session will give a counter narrative based on 5 truths that same-sex attracted Christians need to hear.
There are many Christians wrestling with same-sex attraction in our churches. How can we best support, encourage and help them? This session discusses some of the vital steps to helping them flourish in Christ, as well as some common mistakes to avoid.