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Steve Viars
Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

How should Christians think about their past? How does your answer affect the way you process life’s challenges? How does it affect the way you counsel? This two-part session will explore what God’s Word says about the importance and potential impact of events from your past.

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Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

Putting Your Past In Its Place part 2

Is your past “one big lump”? Is it possible that some of us have challenges in this area in part because we have not thought as precisely and specifically as God’s Word would direct? This session will attempt to help us identify biblical categories for events from the past.

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Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

Handling Evangelism Opportunities in Counseling 

One of the great delights in biblical counseling is the opportunity to explain the gospel to someone who has never heard. This session will discuss strategies to move from initial presentation problems to appropriate discussions about personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

Ministering to Parents of Special Needs Children

Counselors sometimes have the privilege of serving parents who have been blessed with children with special needs. This session will review a seminal passage of Scripture on this subject along with an account from the Viars’ journey with their special needs son Andrew.

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