Hope + Help LIVE for Heart Change with Brad Bigney

by, IBCD Admin
June 15, 2020

About the Episode

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Pastor Brad Bigney via Facebook LIVE about his book, Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols. During the conversation, Brad defines idolatry, explains what it means to uncover “the sin beneath the sin,” and cautions about the impact heart idolatry has on our relationships with God and other people. He also examines why it’s so challenging to uproot idolatry once the Holy Spirit has revealed it to us, offers insights as to how a global pandemic has served to expose idolatry in our lives, and gives hope from the Scriptures for those seeking to experience true, meaningful heart change through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

About the Guest

Brad Bigney is an ordained minister with the Evangelical Free Church of America, and is a graduate of Columbia Biblical Seminary, with his Master of Divinity. He’s a certified biblical counselor with ACBC, as well as a national conference speaker. He and his wife, Vicki, have been married since 1986 and have five adult children. He currently serves as Lead Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Kentucky.

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Additional Resources from Brad Bigney

Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols

Is it harder for you to change and grow as a Christian than it should be? Do you wonder what is holding you back? Have you ever considered that it might be idolatry?

Using real-life stories and examples, Brad Bigney shows us how the idols we might not even recognize can still have devastating effects in our lives.

In this transparent, honest book, he helps us to identify our idols, understand how they lead us to commit treason against the gospel—and finally repent of them and root them out forever by turning to the only One who can fill our every need.

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About the Podcast

The Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics regarding life’s challenging problems. Hosted by IBCD Outreach Director Christine M. Chappell. Listeners can subscribe on major streaming platforms such as Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundcloud, & iHeart.


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