Category: Articles

Helping the Hopeless: God’s Nearness is Your Good

August 21, 2019

Often when counselees succumb to fear and doubt over troubling circumstances, they allow it to rule the day and consequently feel helpless and hopeless. So where should their help come from when they feel all hope is gone? Where can they turn when their suffering seems ever-present?

The Psalmist in Psalm 121 asks the same question, “Where does my help come from?” As you open to Psalm 121, allow the 3-R’s to guide you. Help your counselee fix their gaze upon God, an Ever-Present Help in times of trial.


What does the Psalmist say about God?

First, he says his help comes from God who has made heaven and earth (v. 2). Contemplate that! God created the whole universe out of nothing by His Word (Gen. 1:1-3; Heb. 11:3), which He continues to uphold to this day (Col. 1:17).

Second, the Psalmist says his help comes from God who will not allow his foot to slip, and who does not slumber (v. 3-4). As trouble comes along, God is always watching over him.

Third, his help comes from God his Keeper; His shade is on His right hand (5-6). God is his protector. God’s nearness is his good! He is the Protector of his soul.

Fourth, his help comes from God who keeps him in all seasons of life (v. 8). From life to death, God keeps the Psalmist near.  The writer of Hebrews says similarly: “God will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5).

As your counselee navigates the difficulties of life, help them to grow in a lofty view of God so they might manifest a deeper trust in God.


How should they respond considering these truths?

First, as they consider God as the Creator of heaven and earth, they should respond by turning to Him for help in time of trial. They do this through the reading of His Word, prayer, and worship.

Second, as they consider God an Ever-Present Help who watches over them, they should respond in gratitude. The apostle Paul expresses a similar sentiment: if we have the right awareness of God’s nearness, we will have the right attitude of thankfulness as we pray (Phil. 4:4-6) for help.

Third, as they consider God as their Keeper in all seasons of their life who will never leave them nor forsake them, they should respond by praying with confidence. They should come to prayer believing that God helps in their weakness, that God is working out all things together for their good, and that nothing can separate them from the love of God through Christ as they experience trial (Rom. 8:26-39).


With renewed thinking in who God is – our Creator, our Ever-Present Help, and our Keeper – your counselee can resolve to turn to God in time of difficulty, just like the Psalmist in 121. Remind them that God is sovereign and in control, He cares for them, and our ultimate help comes from Him.


  • The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship exists to strengthen churches in one another care by offering training, counseling resources, events, and free resources that are helpful to anyone interested in learning how to better help others.
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