Category: Articles

How Can Your Church Help?

June 4, 2016

In three weeks, our 2016 Summer Institute “Disordered Desires” will kick off and we’ll be tackling some of the most pressing questions of our time here in San Diego. As cultural attitudes on sex and marriage continue to shift, the church has a greater opportunity than ever to speak with clarity and compassion.
While Christians are used to thinking about many of these sexual issues (pornography, marriage, homosexuality) in political terms, churches must also recognize the personal dimension at play here. Our own people are wrestling with their marriages, with singleness, pornography, and same-sex attraction. We need to be prepared to care for them.
This conference is all about pointing our eyes to what the Christian faith has to teach us about these issues. What answers does the Bible have?
We hope you’ll want to be a part of this. We’ve tried to make it easier than ever for your churches to help get the word out to people. With three Sundays left, here are media resources that are just a click away:

Promo Video
We’ve made our short video available for download right here if you would like to display it for your congregation or small group. This is a great way to tell people what the conference is all about and give the basic details. Simply click ‘Download‘ and save in the size of your choosing!

Announcement Slides
Here is a JPG slide you can include if you have a weekly rotation. Available in Size 1 (1024×768) or Size 2 (1280×720).

Half-Sheet for Bulletin
Placing this insert into your weekly bulletin is another simple but very effective way of reaching out. Download PDFs for print in color or black-and-white.

Full Page Poster
If you’d like, you can also print out a page-size poster to display on your bulletin board. 8.5×11 Color PDF

Thank you for your continued support of IBCD and we hope to see you all at the Summer Institute!


  • The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship exists to strengthen churches in one another care by offering training, counseling resources, events, and free resources that are helpful to anyone interested in learning how to better help others.
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