Category: Articles

Introducing the Hope + Help Podcast

February 5, 2020

Announcing The Hope + Help Podcast

IBCD is pleased to announce the launch of the Hope + Help Podcast on Monday, February 24th. The show, hosted by author and writer Christine Chappell, is intended to provide listeners with rich, biblical conversations about life’s challenging problems. The podcast, formerly known as The Hope + Help Project, has been in production since May 2019, and has featured conversations with a wide variety of guests from the biblical counseling movement on a number of topics.

“We are excited that our friend Christine Chappell will be hosting the IBCD podcast,” says Executive Director Jim Newheiser. “She is a gifted advocate for biblical counseling and an incredible supporter of IBCD. Christine will be interviewing leaders in our movement as they address crucial issues of soul care.”

The weekly podcast connects real-life problems to the hope and help of Jesus Christ in practical ways. IBCD is pleased to supplement the biblical wisdom offered by guests on the show with links to related resources archived in the IBCD library. This podcast will serve the body of Christ as it further equips itself for one-another care—formally or informally—in the context of the local church.

Christine’s compassionate interview-style lends itself to a production that is accessible and relevant to her listeners. Author Paul Tautges affirms, “Christine displays a rare blend of graciousness and discernment that helps her listeners with their real-life struggles, while also pointing them to the ultimate hope found only in Jesus Christ.”

Stay tuned for the official launch of the rebranded Hope + Help Podcast from IBCD on February 24th, when Director of Communications Ann Maree Goudzwaard will host an interview with Christine Chappell to discuss the podcast transition and her personal history with the IBCD. Follow IBCD on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or subscribe via email to be notified when new Hope + Help Podcast episodes release.

Get Familiar with the Podcast

Explore previous Hope + Help Project podcast episodes featuring biblical counseling leaders and friends of IBCD:


  • IBCD
    The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship exists to strengthen churches in one another care by offering training, counseling resources, events, and free resources that are helpful to anyone interested in learning how to better help others.
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