Hope + Help LIVE for Parents of Depressed and Anxious Teens

by, IBCD Admin
April 6, 2020

About the Episode

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Jessica Thompson and Joel Fitzpatrick via Facebook LIVE on the subject of caring for a depressed and anxious teen in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. During the live chat, they talk about the various ways their respective households are navigating the coronavirus pandemic, and offer encouragements to parents of depressed and anxious teens who may be struggling to care for their child in quarantine contexts.

About the Guests

Jessica Thompson has authored or coauthored several books, including the bestseller Give Them Grace. A popular conference speaker and guest blogger, Jessica grew up in Southern California where she and her husband of 22 years have raised their three kids, two of whom are teenagers.

Joel Fitzpatrick has served as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America with a focus on youth and family. He received his MDiv from Westminster Seminary California. Joel lives in Southern California with his wife of nearly twenty years and their two children.

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More Resources from Christine, Jessica, & Joel

Help! My Teen is Depressed by Christine Chappell

If your teen is battling depression, you may be feeling helpless and hopeless. Perhaps you’re slowly coming to the realization that you have no idea how to rescue your child from the darkness he or she is in. Christine Chappell knows from experience that there are no quick and easy solutions, but here she provides biblical wisdom and encouragement to offer hope for the hopeless teen and help for the helpless caregiver.



How to Help Your Anxious Teen: Discovering the Surprising Sources of Their Worries and Fears by Jessica Thompson

If your son or daughter is suffering from anxiety, you probably have more questions than answers: What is causing the anxiety? Is this normal teenage angst or something more serious? What can I do to help? Jessica Thompson, the mother of three teens, has seen kids struggle with anxiousness. She wants you to understand the issues surrounding teenage anxiety and how our culture, the church, and perhaps even you may be contributing to the problem.


Between Us Guys: Life-Changing Conversations for Dads and Sons by Joel Fitzpatrick

Christian dads are given an incredible opportunity to be one of the primary influences in their children’s lives for the gospel. By inviting conversations in every arena of life, fathers pass down the message of Jesus Christ to the next generation. As a youth and family pastor and father to a young boy who’s entered into many of these conversations, Joel Fitzpatrick knows it’s important not to shy away from difficult subjects. But he also knows dads and other caregivers need help in how to have intentional conversations with boys about God, themselves, and what difference knowing the gospel makes to their everyday life. Fitzpatrick invites fathers to share with their sons how the gospel shapes all aspects of life, including how they treat women, people from other ethnic groups, and much more.

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About the Podcast

The Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics regarding life’s challenging problems. Hosted by IBCD Outreach Director Christine M. Chappell. Listeners can subscribe on major streaming platforms such as Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundcloud, & iHeart.

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