The amazing grace of God as expressed through the good news of the gospel has a profound impact on all of life. This session is one man’s testimony of the impact of God’s surprising grace on his family and his church.

The amazing grace of God as expressed through the good news of the gospel has a profound impact on all of life. This session is one man’s testimony of the impact of God’s surprising grace on his family and his church.
Many christian men feel overwhelmed by failure in their role as a father. This session will seek to encourage dads with the grace God has for them and help them get a vision of the amazing opportunity they have to teach their children about His grace.
God’s design is for marriage to be a lifelong covenant of companionship between one man and one woman but many marriages fall short of this ideal. This session seeks to offer wisdom to counselors working tough questions about separation, divorce and remarriage.
“Hospitality fleshes out love in a uniquely personal and sacrificial way.” This session will explore the command to all believers to show hospitality, examine several examples from the Scriptures and discuss how it opens up opportunities to share the gospel.
Which is more important, the local church or the family? This session discuss the relationship between the God-ordained institutions of the nuclear family and the local church, the responsibilities of each, and how they should operate in relation to one another.
Few things in life display our own shortcomings and weaknesses as much as the endeavor of parenting. This session will discuss how these weaknesses point up our own need for the gospel and drive us to dependence on God as we parent our children.
What is family worship, why does it matter and how do we do it? This session will examine a brief history of family worship, encourage you with a look at its effects on the family, the church and the world, and give you some practical steps for instituting a family worship time.
When we have a distorted view of reality, we suffer as a result. This session will unpack five truths that will help you develop a proper view of your reality in Christ as it is described in the doctrine of justification by faith.
What is the best approach to finding a marriage partner? What is the nature and purpose of courtship? What if I am single and lonely? This session answers many questions for those who are considering marriage or want to know how to prepare for marriage in the future.
How do you respond when you face incomplete goals or unfulfilled dreams in your life? How can you say with Paul that you have “learned in whatever situation … to be content?” This session will teach us to pursue contentment through Christ who strengthens us.
Sometime after saying I do, most people begin to realize they have married a sinner. This session will discuss how meditation on God’s rich mercy towards us when we were dead in our transgressions and sins will empower us to extend mercy to a sinful spouse.
Sometime after saying I do, most people begin to realize they have married a sinner. This session will discuss how an honest examination of our own sin will help us to come alongside our spouse as a fellow sinner rather than stand over them as judge.