Legacy : CDC Level 2

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CDC Legacy 2-21. Biblical Foundations: Marriage is Made in Heaven

CDC Legacy 2-23. How to Change Your Husband

God has designed marriage to be a partnership in which the wife follows her husband’s leadership. Many women suffer under the authority of sinful husbands. What if a husband won’t lead in a Christlike way? What does Peter mean by saying you should win your husband “without a word”?

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CDC Legacy 2-21. Biblical Foundations: Marriage is Made in Heaven

CDC Legacy 2-24. How to Change Your Wife

Christian men are called to love their wives unconditionally, as Chris loves the church. Christlike love is not merely a feeling. It is a commitment. Christ’s love is demonstrated on the Cross. What should a husband do if his wife is hard to love? What should he do if he doesn’t have loving feelings towards his wife?

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CDC Legacy 2-21. Biblical Foundations: Marriage is Made in Heaven

CDC Legacy 2-30. The Medicine Only Approach to Counseling

This session explores contrasting views of human nature (biblical vs. materialist) and explores a theology of pain and emotion. Medicine may be needed to control a few serious brain conditions, solve a crisis situation, or help a “stuck” counselee begin to move forward. But even those who take these medicines can learn better self control and habits of thought that will lead to greater emotional stability through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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CDC Legacy 2-21. Biblical Foundations: Marriage is Made in Heaven

CDC Legacy 2-35. But My Child Is Different!

There are clearly special needs people in the Bible. Having a different child sometimes doesn’t feel like a blessing but God is sovereign over these difficult situations. In these cases, parents are often tempted to make excuses or be overprotecting, but they need to love the way Jesus loves. God chooses the weak, foolish, and despised and his grace is sufficient for us.

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