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Danielle’s Story – Behind the Scenes of an Observation Video

Danielle’s Story – Behind the Scenes of an Observation Video

Daelynn Romo is a wife and mother of three, an active church member and a friend of IBCD. She is also the face of Danielle, a counselee in one of IBCD’s Observation Videos. At the urging of her husband, Danielle comes to seek counsel from her pastor’s wife after an old struggle with an eating disorder re-emerges. We asked Daelynn to talk with us about her experience and to share her own story.

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From the Directors (April 2016)

From the Directors (April 2016)

2016 is already proving to be a year of exciting transition and growth! After months of work we were able to launch our new website which works better with mobile devices, gives us more control of our content, and will enable us to make and distribute helpful...

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