Children & Adolescents
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I am my Upbringing: Moving Beyond Family Identity

The Impact of Abuse on Children
The church and church leaders have a biblical responsibility toward the vulnerable and children. In this session author Chris Moles will discuss both social and theological considerations of the impact of domestic violence on children.

Victim Care
In this session author Chris Moles will teach how to give real help, hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse.

Protecting Your Church from Sexual Predators
Sexual predators often look upon churches as soft targets for their evil acts. This workshop teaches church leaders and parents the need to implement proven policies and practices that will help keep our children safe.

Counseling A Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused
God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling children who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy little ones.

Peacemaking For Families
The family is a hotbed for conflict. It is also the primary arena in which we can learn and practice peacemaking. This session focuses on making your marriage one of the safest places in the world and making peace with children.

Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Do biblical principles “work” with children on the autism spectrum? This workshop discusses special challenges that children on the autism spectrum face, gives instruction for patiently applying biblical principles and builds hope that God is at work in every circumstance.

Amazing Grace for Dads who Fall Short
Many christian men feel overwhelmed by failure in their role as a father. This session will seek to encourage dads with the grace God has for them and help them get a vision of the amazing opportunity they have to teach their children about His grace.

Responding to God’s Grace Through Family Worship
What is family worship, why does it matter and how do we do it? This session will examine a brief history of family worship, encourage you with a look at its effects on the family, the church and the world, and give you some practical steps for instituting a family worship time.

Counseling Sexually Abused Women and Children
Because sexual abuse is so prevalent women counselors need to understand how the Bible helps females who have been sexually abused. This workshop will examine the biblical way to deal with the shame and emotional pain of the victim and the role of the church in helping them.

Caring for the Abused
Victims of abuse suffer greatly and need help. This session will teach you to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse as well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way.

Ten Scriptural Convictions Children Need to be Taught
10 basic scriptural convictions that Christian parents should instill in their children. Each conviction is given with various supporting passages that are suggested for memorization.

Ministering to Parents of Special Needs Children
Counselors sometimes have the privilege of serving parents who have been blessed with children with special needs. This session will review a seminal passage of Scripture on this subject along with an account from the Viars’ journey with their special needs son Andrew.

Ministering to ADHD Patients and Their Families
Is your hyper thinking and wildly acting loved one a worse sinner than those calm family members; or is there something organic and biological contributing something to this? Or could it be both? This message seeks to give balanced answers to questions about ADHD.