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Talking to Teenagers About Sex
It is uncomfortable but it needs to be said, the Bible talks a lot about sex, and so should the church. This session gives some helpful guidelines for how to talk with teenagers about sex and sexuality in the context of the church.

Counseling A Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused
God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling children who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy little ones.

Peacemaking For Families
The family is a hotbed for conflict. It is also the primary arena in which we can learn and practice peacemaking. This session focuses on making your marriage one of the safest places in the world and making peace with children.

Singleness, Dating, and Courtship
What is the best approach to finding a marriage partner? What is the nature and purpose of courtship? What if I am single and lonely? This session answers many questions for those who are considering marriage or want to know how to prepare for marriage in the future.

Amazing Grace for Dads who Fall Short
Many christian men feel overwhelmed by failure in their role as a father. This session will seek to encourage dads with the grace God has for them and help them get a vision of the amazing opportunity they have to teach their children about His grace.

Responding to God’s Grace Through Family Worship
What is family worship, why does it matter and how do we do it? This session will examine a brief history of family worship, encourage you with a look at its effects on the family, the church and the world, and give you some practical steps for instituting a family worship time.

The Forgotten Part of the Church: Counseling Teenagers
Middle and High School presents difficult challenges for kids today. From peer pressure to issues concerning sexuality our kids are facing a fast changing world. Come and hear how living in community helps to provide the context for counseling teens.

I’ve Lost My Teen to a Machine! How the Gospel Frees Your Teen From Device Addiction
Our teens seem totally distracted by their smart phones and video games. People of all ages are talking about how hard it is to put down their devices. This message examines how gospel promises as well as gospel threatenings can set us free of life dominating habits.

Helping Singles Think Biblically About the Past, Present, and Future
The New Testament has a shocking view of singleness. This workshop examines the blessings and challenges of a single life and gives practical suggestions for helping singles see the grace of God at work in them and through them and how the church can better minister to them.

Ministering to Parents of Special Needs Children
Counselors sometimes have the privilege of serving parents who have been blessed with children with special needs. This session will review a seminal passage of Scripture on this subject along with an account from the Viars’ journey with their special needs son Andrew.