Hope + Help for Valuing Friendship with Drew Hunter

by, IBCD Admin
April 13, 2020

About the Episode

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Drew Hunter about his book, Made for Friendship: The Relationship That Halves Our Sorrows and Doubles Our Joys. During the conversation, Drew explores God’s design for friendship and what it really looks like in practice, and highlights modern barriers that increasingly push our experiences of true friendship out of reach. He also examines how mandated social distancing exposes the importance of face-to-face human connection, and describes what makes Jesus Christ the epitome of a friend.

About the Guests

Drew Hunter (MA, Wheaton College) is the teaching pastor at Zionsville Fellowship in Zionsville, Indiana. He previously served as a minister for young adults at Grace Church of DuPage and taught religious studies at College of DuPage. Drew and his wife, Christina, live in Zionsville, Indiana, and have four children.

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More Resources from Drew

Made for Friendship: The Relationship That Halves Our Sorrows and Doubles Our Joys

Friendship is one of the deepest pleasures of life. But in our busy, fast-paced, mobile world, we’ve lost this rich view of friendship and instead settled for shallow acquaintances based on little more than similar tastes or shared interests.

Helping us recapture a vision of true friendship, pastor Drew Hunter explores God’s design for friendship and what it really looks like in practice―giving us practical advice to cultivate the kinds of true friendships that lead to true and life-giving joy.


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About the Podcast

The Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics regarding life’s challenging problems. Hosted by IBCD Outreach Director Christine M. Chappell. Listeners can subscribe on major streaming platforms such as Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundcloud, & iHeart.

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