Category: Articles

Top 10 Podcast Episodes of 2023

January 17, 2024

In February 2020, IBCD launched the Hope + Help Podcast in an effort to host approachable biblical conversations about life’s challenging problems. Since its inception, the show has been streamed nearly 275,000 times worldwide. We’re thankful to the many guests who have appeared on the podcast and also to the faithful members of our audience, who’ve not only listened to these important conversations, but have shared them with loved ones, church members, and those they counsel.

Hosted by Christine Chappell, the Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. In celebration of the work the Lord has done through the Hope + Help Podcast last year, we’ve compiled the top 10 most streamed episodes of 2023 in this post for you to explore. Click the links below to access show notes and stream the conversations online. All of the podcast pages include links to recommended reading resources and/or related topical content available via our extensive online audio library.

Top 10 Podcast Episodes of 2023

1.) Hope + Help for Overcoming Bitterness with Steve Viars

2.) Hope + Help for Angry Grief with Brad Hambrick

3.) Hope + Help for Decision Anxiety with Michael Gembola

4.) Hope + Help for Counseling Medical Issues with Dr. Charles Hodges

5.) Hope + Help for Fearing Others with Zach Schlegel

6.) Hope + Help for Feeling Overwhelmed with Rush Witt

7.) Hope + Help for Overcoming Anger with Jim Newsheiser

8.) Hope + Help for Sorrowing Moms with Katie Faris

9.) Hope + Help for Loneliness with Shannon McCoy

10.) Hope + Help for Layered Losses with Vaneetha Risner

Places to Listen & Subscribe: iTunesSoundCloudSpotifyStream OnlineGoogle PodcastsAmazon MusicPandora

Download Podcast Sign for Slides & Displays

Would you like to share the Hope + Help Podcast as a free resource for your local church? Click here to download a free printable sign you can print for display in your church lobby, resource area, or counseling office. You can also click here to download this image for use in a rotating slideshow before or after church services/events and/or ministry presentations. The QR code directs people to our website, where they can view podcast information and access previous episodes. This is a quick and easy way to invite people to how the gospel of Jesus Christ intersects with some of life’s most challenging problems! For assistance or questions about using this graphic, please email



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