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Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
” This workshop explores the Biblical basis for gender and how that impacts identity....
” This workshop explores the concept that all believers have a calling fromGod and that...
” This workshop explores one of the key concepts of the Protestant Reformation that is...
This workshop studies the Biblical concept of the Fear of the LORD. We will define the term, explore its centrality to discipleship counseling both for the counselor and counselee and discuss how to teach this as the core foundation of counseling.
This workshop explores the dangers of mechanical counseling that oversimplifies by employing a one-size-fits-all approach to counseling. We will examine the necessity of applying the Word of God to the needs of the individual and his particular circumstances.
This workshop explores the attributes of Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor and the Holy Spirit, the Other Counselor. We will examine what makes them the competent counselors that they are. Also, we will examine how these attributes must be and can be in your counsel. Finally, we will learn how you can develop these attributes.
Your counseling and counselees will be enriched by being centered in a local church. This workshop shows how involvement of the local church is a crucial aspect of biblical counseling because the tasks of counseling and discipleship are given by God to the local church.
Every counseling system seeks to answer basic questions about man’s purpose and personality. This session will seek to give biblical answers to three fundamental questions: Who is man? What is wrong with Man? How do you fix man?
Why bother with the history of the biblical counseling movement? Because the battle over the Bible still rages. This session shows how an understanding of history will help preserve and protect the biblical counseling movement from error.
Sexuality is a gift from our Creator. But the abuse and misuse of the gift is devastating. This session will examine the way Proverbs approaches the topic of sex: extolling its goodness within the proper boundaries and severely warning against its destructive misuse.
There are many religious and social elements behind the current culture’s confusion about gender. This workshop gives a biblical view of gender and lays out the way out of this morass for individuals, families, churches and the culture. Implications for counseling are emphasized.
How can we do evangelism in the context of counseling those who have suffered sexually? Counselors are needed to engage in these situations but they present dangerous pitfalls. This session discusses how true godliness is the key to avoiding the trap of sexualized relationships.
A real Adam, a real Eve and a real garden give the paradigm for godly male leadership. This workshop goes back to the beginning to point you to a Christ-like manhood, teach leadership without oppression and discuss implications for counseling.
How do we abide in Christ? What does it look like? How does it relate to maintaining a passion for him? This session examines what it means in John 15:1-11 when Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches.
The light of God’s face must illuminate the darkness of the hoarding heart and house. This session will teach you how to address the reality of hoarding and its problems with confidence in God, His word and His body.
This session discusses the issue of “scarfing” or erotic asphyxiation. Dr. George Scipione looks at the Scriptures to define and diagnose this issue and then develop direction in overcoming it.
True repentance is essential for God-honoring change. This session will consider the Biblical data on repentance, draw some conclusions about the significance of this data for counseling and make concrete application for assignments in counseling.
There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.
There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.
We must understand the antithetical states of war and peace if we are to be peacemakers. This session takes an in-depth look at characteristics of a peacemaker and characteristics of a trouble maker as described in multiple passages of Scripture.
Biblical counselors face different situations that call for balanced skillful finesse. Paul gives clear instruction on gentleness to all “men of God.” This session discusses the mandate in Scripture to counsel and correct with gentleness.
Sexual sin is one of the most common and deadly life-dominating sins. This workshop will help you to engage the heart of your counselee, exposit the word appropriately and apply it specifically as you seek to help him in his battle against sexual sin.
Suffering is a part of a sovereign saving God’s plan. This session gives an overview of suffering from God’s perspective as outlined in the book of 1 Peter. It also unpacks specific texts to use in counseling those who are facing and suffering injustice.
Yielding to sin means slavery to Satan and to sin. Yielding to the Savior is the only way to break the bondage. This workshop discusses who the enemy is, how he works to take people captive through sin and what weapons are available to the Christian to gain victory.
Do you have unanswered questions about tough issues in counseling? In this workshop ACBC fellow George Scipione holds a Q&A for any questions people may have related to biblical counseling.
Why is the heart pivotal in counseling and how do you deal with the heart? This session explores descriptions of the heart in both the Old and New Testament and discusses the Biblical counselors role in addressing heart issues through the Word of God.
For effective counseling it is absolutely necessary to help counselees to hope in God. How can we help them to have hope in times of suffering? This session will serve as a model of how to use, understand and apply wisdom from 1 Peter 1:1-2:12 in counseling.
You want to be a competent counselor don’t you? Of course you do! What does the Bible have to say about what that looks like? This workshop explores the Biblical characteristics of a competent counselor as described in the Pastoral Epistles.
It is important to know Biblical principles, but knowledge in itself is not enough. You need wisdom to apply Biblical principles to real cases. This workshop examines two real, difficult cases: Militia Man and His Mad Mate; Suing Sinner and His Suffering Family.
Knowing what the Bible says about something is only the first step. You need wisdom to know how to apply Biblical principles to real cases. This workshop examines two real, difficult cases: From Bad to Worse and Back; Dispirited Pastor and His Disgruntled Wife.
The birth and growth of the biblical counseling movement, like all movements, has many strengths and weaknesses. This message contains the professional, pastoral and personal reflections of the biblical counseling movement at 45 years.
How do we teach counselees to seek God’s help under pressure? Jesus provides us the perfect example to follow. This session will serve as a model of how to use, understand and apply wisdom from 1 Peter 2:13-3:22.
Sometimes in life we face situations that seem overwhelmingly hopeless. 1 Peter 4:1-5:14 reminds us that Christians should not be surprised when they face such situations and that they can have hope because God is at work.
How do you help someone who already has many labels regarding their condition? In our heavily psychologized culture it can be hard to know the accuracy of these diagnoses. This workshop aims to equip you to work with those who have diagnoses from the psychological community.
The Bible has a lot to say about the nature of man. This workshop explores the key components of man’s nature and the importance of balance in diagnosing and directing the counseling process so it comes to a successful conclusion.
From the beginning we are told that God created man in His own image. What does it mean to be an image bearer of God? This workshop explores the concept of Man as the Image of God and the practical implications for the counseling process.