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Grace Race and the Church

Three Ways to Help the Parents of Teens
Parenting is hard. And it seems to get harder every year our children grow up. In the 1985 classic, Teen Wolf, Michael J. Fox plays a young man who transforms into a werewolf at inopportune moments. The results are sometimes awkward and mostly humorous, while making...

Practicing the “One Anothers” When You Cannot Meet: Counsel for Those Facing Chronic Illness, Lockdowns, and Isolation

Shepherding Counselees through Racial Issues
“Woke” is a dirty word these days which can make us throw our biblical principles out the window. The ultra-conservatives spit out this four-letter word to silence any who “defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:8–9). The ultra-progressives wear it as a...

Two Truths and a Lie for Those Abandoned by Loved Ones
As a pastor, I have seen divorce tear families apart and I have ached with the abused. I’ve seen close friends commit betrayal or turn their backs on each other. These broken relationships leave many feeling abandoned and alone. So, how can the church compassionately...