The fundamental assumptions that shape biblical counseling are reviewed and key elements expanded upon. Building hope in God’s promises from the earliest stages of counseling is critical. What are some ways we can seek to build hope?

The fundamental assumptions that shape biblical counseling are reviewed and key elements expanded upon. Building hope in God’s promises from the earliest stages of counseling is critical. What are some ways we can seek to build hope?
What do you do when someone you love leaves? And how do you pursue someone who has hurt you, who has sinned against you?
Whether you are dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner, a rebellious child, or a wayward friend, the counsel you offer needs to be pursued in a gospel-rooted approach, grounded in truth and practiced in the midst of Christian community.
This resource was recorded live at the 2018 Institute: Loving Wayward Souls: Grace for our Prodigals
What do you do when someone you love leaves? And how do you pursue someone who has hurt you, who has sinned against you?
Whether you are dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner, a rebellious child, or a wayward friend, the counsel you offer needs to be pursued in a gospel-rooted approach, grounded in truth and practiced in the midst of Christian community.
This resource was recorded live at the 2018 Institute: Loving Wayward Souls: Grace for our Prodigals
What do you do when someone you love leaves? And how do you pursue someone who has hurt you, who has sinned against you?
Whether you are dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner, a rebellious child, or a wayward friend, the counsel you offer needs to be pursued in a gospel-rooted approach, grounded in truth and practiced in the midst of Christian community.
This resource was recorded live at the 2018 Institute: Loving Wayward Souls: Grace for our Prodigals
What do you do when someone you love leaves? And how do you pursue someone who has hurt you, who has sinned against you?
Whether you are dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner, a rebellious child, or a wayward friend, the counsel you offer needs to be pursued in a gospel-rooted approach, grounded in truth and practiced in the midst of Christian community.
This resource was recorded live at the 2018 Institute: Loving Wayward Souls: Grace for our Prodigals
What do you do when someone you love leaves? And how do you pursue someone who has hurt you, who has sinned against you?
Whether you are dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner, a rebellious child, or a wayward friend, the counsel you offer needs to be pursued in a gospel-rooted approach, grounded in truth and practiced in the midst of Christian community.
This resource was recorded live at the 2018 Institute: Loving Wayward Souls: Grace for our Prodigals
What do you do when someone you love leaves? And how do you pursue someone who has hurt you, who has sinned against you?
Whether you are dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner, a rebellious child, or a wayward friend, the counsel you offer needs to be pursued in a gospel-rooted approach, grounded in truth and practiced in the midst of Christian community.
This resource was recorded live at the 2018 Institute: Loving Wayward Souls: Grace for our Prodigals
Families are often the ones most influenced by PTSD, and also the ones most qualified to minister to their loved one with PTSD. This session will help the counselor equip the family to become a helpful environment and influence for biblical change.
Having established hope that God’s Word addresses this challenging topic, this session will offer some specific ways the counselor can help the counselee to move forward.
The way one interprets the original trauma influences the way they respond to the trauma. This session will help the attendee understand what encourages individuals to interpret trauma in certain ways, and how to help them form a biblical worldview.
Receiving the diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be scary or even debilitating to a person. It can also be intimidating to a biblical counselor who wants to help. The goal of this session is to pull back the shroud of mystery that makes PTSD so scary for both counselor and counselee, and offer the assurance that God’s Word does address this challenging issue.
This session looks at David’s catastrophic sin of adultery in 2 Sam 11:1-5. This passage shows that the Bible is honest about its heroes and serves as a warning to us against sin and presumption. How does David’s sin point us to Christ? What are some practical ways to guard ourselves from temptation?
Worry is a problem of the mind and can become life dominating. Worry, stress, and fear are closely related and often dealt with sinfully. How can we help counselees think about their lives in light of biblical truth? How might someone misunderstand or abuse God’s promises to care for them?
Trials are the ordinary experience of believers living in a fallen world. Believers in the Bible suffered great trials and we will continue to endure significant trials. Why do Christians tend to be so surprised by trials when the Bible speaks so often about them? How does God work in our trials and use them to mature us?
This session completes the Peacemaking series of the curriculum. It lays out important things to consider before attempting to confront someone’s sin and describes the peacemaking process. Church discipline is also explored along with how church structure and membership is related to peacemaking.
As Christians, we ought to do all that is in our power to pursue peace. How can we seek forgiveness biblically? How does the gospel empower us to forgive? Why is it important to go though a thorough process of confession?
Biblical peacemaking is founded on the gospel. Christ came to make peace between God and man. All conflict is the result of sin. Conflict is very dangerous but brings great opportunity: to glorify God, to be more like Christ, to serve others, and to bear witness to a watching world.
We and our counselees are responsible to exert effort towards change. Immediately after telling us to consider our identity in Christ, Paul exhorts us to take action against the lusts of the flesh. What is the proper use of biblical indicatives and imperatives? What should our motive be for obedience?
Pastor Brian Borgman talks about how his church uses IBCD resources for counseling. He...
Keynote speaker Mark Shaw works with Vision of Hope, a women’s residential program that...
Leaders are not meant to be everywhere at once. Nor were they ever meant to fix it all. This session calls us acknowledge our own limitations and be attentive to how Christ enters into the midst of ongoing difficult circumstances.
In Ecclesiastes, we learn from Solomon about the errors that leaders are prone too. Too easily we forget we’re human and need rest just like everyone else. This session urges pastors to recover the virtue of rest and to be reminded of the Edenic rhythm that God intended for everyone.
Counseling is about helping people to change. The change biblical counselors seek is unique and unbiblical approaches to change will impede spiritual growth. This session explores how change begins by understanding and applying the Gospel. Understanding our union with Christ is the key to growth in holiness.
Ed Welch is a counselor and faculty member at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) and was...
Our keynote speaker Chris Moles sits down with Craig and Jim to discuss how he got into counseling domestic abuse cases and ministering to abusers. They also discuss his book, ͞The Heart of Domestic Abuse.͟ This interview was recorded live at the 2017 Institute...
The Bible says we are to fear God. Fear can also be an appropriate response to real potential dangers. Fear becomes sinful when we fear men more than God and we fail to trust God. What are some proper and healthy manifestations of fear? What are indications that fear has become sinful?
IBCD Executive Director Jim Newheiser answers some listener questions about biblical admonition and helping husbands lead their wives in a Christlike way.
To close out season 2 of the Care & Discipleship Podcast, Craig Marshall sat down with Jim Newheiser (Director of Biblical Counseling at RTS Charlotte) and Tom Maxham (pastor of Grace Bible Church, Escondido and staff counselor at IBCD) to discuss the tenuous situation of dealing with domestic abuse when counseling a couple. This episode is a response to a listener question and addresses a very relevant issue in the church today. The counselors discuss how to respond not only to physical abuse but also how to think through verbal and emotional abuse. They detail the various ways in which churches tend to make mistakes regarding verbal and emotional abuse and articulate a proper response. They also engage with the book The Heart of Domestic Abuse written by Chris Moles who will be speaking on the issue at the 2017 Summer Institute and Pre-Conference.
In March of 2016 we filmed our 6th observation case featuring Dr. Charles Hodges who offered counseling care for a couple struggling with the complexities of Bipolar Disorder. Recently we sat down with the real-life Aaron and Ellie for the CDC Podcast to talk about their unique perspective on this particular medical diagnoses. This is the second episode of a 2-part interview with “Aaron & Ellie.” Listen in as they continue their discussion and hear their real-life stories about dealing with Bipolar Disorder and the people who “try” to help. They also articulate their hope for these videos to further the conversation about this and other medical diagnoses and give people a framework for caring for a family struggling with these complex issues. You can listen to Part 1 here.
Related Links
• To listen to this episode: 018 Interview with Aaron & Ellie part 2
• Subscribe to the podcast
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• Meet Aaron & Ellie (2 min Trailer)
• Purchase Aaron & Ellie | Counseling Care for Bipolar Disorder
• Listen to Charles Hodges on Counseling People With A Psychological Diagnosis (59 min)
• Listen to Charles Hodges on Good Mood Bad Mood – Help For Bipolar Disorder (68 min)
• Read Good Mood Bad Mood by Charles Hodges
In March of 2016 we filmed our 6th observation case featuring Dr. Charles Hodges who offered counseling care for a couple struggling with the complexities of Bipolar Disorder. Recently we sat down with the real-life Aaron and Ellie for the CDC Podcast to talk about their unique perspective on this particular medical diagnoses. This is the first episode of a 2-part interview with “Aaron & Ellie, in it our host Craig Marshall discuss with them their background with Bipolar Disorder and why they were uniquely qualified to accurately portray a couple struggling with Bipolar Disorder. They also offer from real life experience advice for the average Christian in how they can best come alongside and do life with a person who may have a medical diagnosis and their family.
Related Links
• To listen to this episode: 018 Interview with Aaron & Ellie part 1
• Subscribe to the podcast
o subscribe via RSS
o subscribe via iTunes
• Meet Aaron & Ellie (2 min Trailer)
• Purchase Aaron & Ellie | Counseling Care for Bipolar Disorder
• Listen to Charles Hodges on Counseling People With A Psychological Diagnosis (59 min)
• Listen to Charles Hodges on Good Mood Bad Mood – Help For Bipolar Disorder (68 min)
• Read Good Mood Bad Mood by Charles Hodges
As we finish out Season 1 of our Care & Discipleship Podcast, Craig talks with Jim and Caroline Newheiser about their move to Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. They discuss what their ministry will look like, how they came to this decision, and about this exciting stage of growth for IBCD. Season 2 of our podcast will launch in August with many great interviews with our speakers from the 2016 Summer Institute.
Have you ever wanted to call down fire on someone for what they did wrong? It may sound extreme, but in this episode IBCD Executive Director Jim Newheiser talks about a passage from Luke 9:51-55 and how we often are not all that different from the disciples.
This is part 2 of a two part interview with Daelynn Romo. Daelynn is the wife and mother of three, an active church member and a friend of IBCD. She is also the face of Danielle, a counselee in one of IBCD’s Observation Videos. At the urging of her husband, Danielle comes to seek counsel from her pastor’s wife after an old struggle with an eating disorder re-emerges. We asked Daelynn to talk with us about her experience and to share her own story.
Daelynn Romo is the wife and mother of three, an active church member and a friend of IBCD. She is also the face of Danielle, a counselee in one of IBCD’s Observation Videos. At the urging of her husband, Danielle comes to seek counsel from her pastor’s wife after an old struggle with an eating disorder re-emerges. We asked Daelynn to talk with us about her experience and to share her own story. This is part one of a two-part interview with Daelynn. Stay tuned for part two on 5/20/16.
Executive Director Jim Newheiser talks about key issues related to dealing with the aftermath of unfaithfulness including important data gathering questions, how to approach emotional affairs, what each spouse needs to hear most when adultery has taken place, and common pitfalls in helping these situations.
In this episode IBCD Board Member David Wojnicki interviews Dr. Charles Hodges and Dr. Jim Newheiser about medical issues and biblical counseling.
How is the biblical counseling approach different from all other Christian approaches? What are some key texts for defending the sufficiency of the Scriptures for counseling? IBCD’s position of biblical counseling (the Bible as the sole and sufficient authority) is outlined and its key concepts explained.
Executive Director Jim Newheiser speaks about the grace, patience and faith needed to counsel people who have ongoing problems.
This session looks at Charles Spurgeon’s raw, honest descriptions of his depression and bodily pain. It also explores how consoling the sorrowful may mean looking to the Jesus of Gethsemane, where we see how He is with us and knows our pain.
We often jump to conclusions about other people’s sin. Strong-minded people are very apt to be hard on the weak and those depressed in spirit. Drawing from the Bible’s wisdom literature, this session urges us to resist simplistic thinking and trite answers, and learn how to enter into the pain of those who are hurting.
God often takes us through long trials rather than quickly bringing deliverance. This session looks at the Psalms, where we see biblical heroes like David at his lowest points and in deepest despair. We aren’t the first nor the last to feel this way and we can’t use Scripture superstitiously to wave away problems.
To care well for those who are depressed we need a theology of sadness itself. The Bible reminds us of the wisdom of meditating on grief and how it is wise to be sad about sad things and foolish to be shallowly mirthful. This session helps us all to learn how to weep with those who weep.
Drawing from the wisdom literature of the Bible, this session urges leaders to heed the call to be quick to listen and slow to speak. The fool thinks they know the answers before they know the questions. We can only truly begin to care for others after having first listened ourselves.
What are some common Christian approaches to counseling in our day? Why might it be useful to learn about psychology? This session explores several Christian approaches to counseling including integration and synergism.
Executive Director Jim Newheiser speaks about the prevalence of and issues related to dealing with anger in counseling.
Psychology and theology both deal with the same fundamental issues of meaning and value. Many modern approaches have unscriptural presuppositions and practices. This opening session introduces biblical counseling and the importance of approaching these issues from a Christian perspective.
What is depression and how are we to understand it? Many secular psychologists see mankind as merely physical and therefore tend to see depression as a physical problem with a chemical solution. Christians recognize the dual nature of mankind – body and soul. What are some important things for biblical counselors to keep in mind when handling cases of depression?
Live Interviews on site at the 2016 Summer Institute
Live Interviews on site at the 2016 Summer Institute
This interview was recorded live on-site at the 2016 IBCD Summer Institute entitled Disordered Desires: Bringing Grace to Modern Sexuality. Our guest is Brian Borgman from Grace Bible Church in Minden Nevada. In this episode our host David Wojnicki and Brian Borgman discuss his book Feelings and Faith and how emotions play an important role when counseling. They also spend some time with Pastor Borgman’s other book, After Their Yours: The Grace and Grit of Adoption, and discuss how to be compassionate to parents with adopted children. They finish the conversation with Brian expressing his desire for biblical counselors to be engaged in and equipped to address issues regarding same-sex attraction in love and gentleness.
Live Interviews on site at the 2016 Summer Institute
Live Interviews on site at the 2016 Summer Institute
Live Interviews on site at the 2016 Summer Institute
Milton discusses how his book, The Gospel Primer, developed from God radically transforming the way he understood resting in his justification and his continual need to preach the gospel to himself and to his flock. He also explained how his general session on, Confessing Our Way to Joy, sets forth truths from Romans 7 which are essential for believers in their struggles against sin.
Executive Director Jim Newheiser speaks about issues related to Christians using psychotropic drugs and how we should approach these situations from a biblical counseling perspective.