Making Peace with the Past (SI14)

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Complaining: Rewriting the Story God is Writing

Do you find yourself complaining about the past—wishing you could rewrite your story? In this session you will learn that complaining is a very powerful sin that tries to undo what God has done and is doing. Be encouraged! God invites you to embrace the story He is writing.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Counseling after a Suicide

Many people have been touched by the tragedy of having a loved one take their own life. This workshop will examine how can we help those left behind deal with the emotions and the questions which come in the aftermath of suicide.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Counseling and Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is an ever-present reality for the child of God. A balanced view of spiritual warfare can help both counselors and counselees. This session will examine the truths of spiritual warfare as it applies to the various dimensions of biblical counseling.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Forgetting the Past While Pressing On

Are you aware what serial relationships can do to your chances for a permanent relationship? It is even possible to overcome your past trauma? Are feelings never to be trusted? This workshop teaches some vital concepts for enduring relationships.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Gospel-Driven Reconciliation

Many people live with unresloved conflict. The process of reconciliation can be challenging and tumultuous. This seminar will examine how the gospel serves as the foundation for reconciliation and empowers those who are struggling to be reconciled to one another.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Handling Evangelism Opportunities in Counseling 

One of the great delights in biblical counseling is the opportunity to explain the gospel to someone who has never heard. This session will discuss strategies to move from initial presentation problems to appropriate discussions about personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Hope for Peter, You and Your Counselees

For effective counseling it is absolutely necessary to help counselees to hope in God. How can we help them to have hope in times of suffering? This session will serve as a model of how to use, understand and apply wisdom from 1 Peter 1:1-2:12 in counseling.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Life in the Aftermath: Embracing Weakness

The past for many women includes hard, life-changing experiences. Life in the aftermath can leave them feeling that they are less than they once were. This workshop will explore God’s purposeful and loving use of these experiences to show His power and love.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Marry Wisely, Marry Well part 1

How can biblical principles guide you in preparing your heart for marriage and making a wise choice in who to marry? This two-part session is perfect both for those considering a relationship and those who disciple others in relationship choices (parents, pastors, counselors).

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Marry Wisely, Marry Well part 2

How can biblical principles guide you in preparing your heart for marriage and making a wise choice in who to marry? This two-part session is perfect both for those considering a relationship and those who disciple others in relationship choices (parents, pastors, counselors).

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Ministering to Parents of Special Needs Children

Counselors sometimes have the privilege of serving parents who have been blessed with children with special needs. This session will review a seminal passage of Scripture on this subject along with an account from the Viars’ journey with their special needs son Andrew.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

How should Christians think about their past? How does your answer affect the way you process life’s challenges? How does it affect the way you counsel? This two-part session will explore what God’s Word says about the importance and potential impact of events from your past.

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A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Putting Your Past In Its Place part 2

Is your past “one big lump”? Is it possible that some of us have challenges in this area in part because we have not thought as precisely and specifically as God’s Word would direct? This session will attempt to help us identify biblical categories for events from the past.

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