This session discusses the issue of “scarfing” or erotic asphyxiation. Dr. George Scipione looks at the Scriptures to define and diagnose this issue and then develop direction in overcoming it.
Keeping a Passion for Christ (SI10)
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Abiding In Christ
How do we abide in Christ? What does it look like? How does it relate to maintaining a passion for him? This session examines what it means in John 15:1-11 when Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches.
Back To Grace – How to Counsel Without Turning Your Counselee Into a Pharisee
When you’re in the performance trap you start defining yourself in terms of your own performance in the Christian life. This session will teach you to counsel in a way that helps your counselees come to depend more deeply on Christ rather than their own performance?
Counseling A Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused
God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling children who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy little ones.
Counseling Rape Survivors
Those who have been through sexual assault need understanding and help. This session will give an overview of the typical phases that can be expected after a sexual assault as well as address many common beliefs that survivors struggle with and how to help and comfort them.
Counseling Sexual Abuse Survivors
God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling those who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy people.
Dealing With Suicide: Prevention And Intervention
The word ‘suicide’ is a dreadful expression. People wince at the sound of it and avoid using it to describe the tragic death it implies. This session takes a needed look at what suicide is and how to respond to it, as well as keys to prevention and intervention.
Domestic Violence: Are You Part of the Problem or Part of the Cure?
From a biblical perspective, any form of abuse is an assault against men and women made in God’s image, and therefore an assault against God. This session describes a variety of patterns of domestic abuse, and proper ways to respond to help both the abuser and the victim.
Getting To The Heart 1
Why should I be concerned about idols of the heart? Because the Bible is! This first of a two part series examines the concept of idolatry, explains how even good things can become idols and shows the devastating spiritual ramifications of harboring idols of the heart.
Getting To The Heart 2
Idolatry is misplaced worship and it can happen to anyone. It is not so much wanting the wrong thing, but even wanting good things too much. This second of a two part series will give you clues and diagnostic questions to help you track down idols of your own heart.
Help for Hoarders
The light of God’s face must illuminate the darkness of the hoarding heart and house. This session will teach you how to address the reality of hoarding and its problems with confidence in God, His word and His body.
Helping Abuse Survivors Trust Christ
There are many categories of abuse and the gospel speaks truth to them all. This session will identify common temptations that abuse victims face and teach you to help them learn to combat these by looking to God and His resources.
How Union with Christ Makes Us Change
Counseling is about helping people to change, but the change we as biblical counselors seek is unique. This session shows how change that will bear God glorifying fruit requires effort on our part and is firmly rooted in the gospel.
Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing
Burnout in Christian ministry is incredibly common. How can you avoid it? This session unpacks four guardrails to help you keep the main thing main and serve joyfully for a lifetime.
Parenting Your Young Adult Children 1
You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood but you never stop being a parent! This session discusses how to handle many of the unique challenges that arise for parents of young adult children.
Parenting Your Young Adult Children 2
You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood but you never stop being a parent! This session discusses how to handle many of the unique challenges that arise for parents of young adult children.
Passion For Christ – The Missing Ingredient in Our Counseling
The focus of counseling must be to lead counselees into deeper relationship with Christ, not just to dispense biblical principles. They need to taste his goodness so that they are ruined for anything else. This session will help counselors teach their counselees to savor Christ.
Repentance – Don’t Counsel Without It
True repentance is essential for God-honoring change. This session will consider the Biblical data on repentance, draw some conclusions about the significance of this data for counseling and make concrete application for assignments in counseling.