It is uncomfortable but it needs to be said, the Bible talks a lot about sex, and so should the church. This session gives some helpful guidelines for how to talk with teenagers about sex and sexuality in the context of the church.
Sexual Sins
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Sexual Identity and the Bible
We live in a world that is confused and confusing on the issue of sexual identity. The truth is we really don’t know our true identity until we know Christ. This session discusses the need for, the components and the goodness of a biblical understanding of sexual identity
Longing for Relationships
We have all been created within the context of relationship: relationships with one another and relationship with God. But sin entered our world, damaging and even breaking relationships. The goal of this workshop is putting our relationships back into proper perspective.
Homosexuality: Caring for Family and Friends
Family and friends of a homosexual loved-one need biblical answers for how to think about and respond to this trial. This session showcases the centrality of the gospel and the sufficiency of Scripture to provide compassionate and uncompromising counsel.
Longing to Be Noticed
Longing to be noticed is really about your heart. Immodesty and sensuality are manifestations of sinful inner thoughts and desires. This workshop discusses how we should long to please God and be modest and discrete, and ends with practical tips on how.
Women & the Word
Christian women know they should read their Bibles, but desire is often weak and the knowledge of how to begin is lacking. This workshop will encourage you to delve into the Scriptures through Bible reading, memorization, and suggested study methods.
Protecting Your Church from Sexual Predators
Sexual predators often look upon churches as soft targets for their evil acts. This workshop teaches church leaders and parents the need to implement proven policies and practices that will help keep our children safe.
Legal Challenges and Changes: What You Need to Know
The U.S. Supreme Court’s attempt to redefine the institute of marriage has intensified the cultural chaos. This workshop will help pastors and biblical counselors understand the rapidly changing legal landscape so they can effectively minister God’s truth to a broken world.
Waiting: The Song of Songs on Singleness
The challenges that singles face today are not radically different from those that faced young people in the ancient world. This session discusses the counsel to the daughters of Jerusalem in the Song of Songs and how that applies today to singles who desire to wait well.
Helping Women with Child Sexual Abuse in Their Past: part 1
Counseling sexually abused women can seem too daunting an endeavor for everyone involved. Part 1 of this workshop unfolds a biblical description of common issues and highlights typical needs in working towards the freedom, usefulness, and joy God intends.
David and Bathsheba: Counseling and Teaching from Old Testament Narratives
Adultery and abuse are unfortunately all too common in the counseling office. This session teaches how to use Biblical narratives to encourage counselees to connect their story with the larger story of God’s work in the world, to provide hope and to point them towards Christ.
The Hypersexualization of Children and Youth
Ever wonder how to respond to the hypersexualized messages our children are consuming? This workshop gives very practical applications of gospel promises and gospel warnings to our preteens and teens.
Helping Women with Child Sexual Abuse in Their Past: part 2
Counseling sexually abused women can seem too daunting an endeavor for everyone involved. Part 2 of this workshop offers specific resources for counseling women plagued or hindered by past sexual abuse. This session will give you some effective tools for your counseling toolbox.
Gender Blending and Confusion
There are many religious and social elements behind the current culture’s confusion about gender. This workshop gives a biblical view of gender and lays out the way out of this morass for individuals, families, churches and the culture. Implications for counseling are emphasized.
Critiquing Evangelical Arguments for Same-Sex Relationships
In recent years both scholarly and popular attempts to reinterpret what the Bible says about homosexuality have grown significantly. This session will help biblical counselors to understand these arguments, so that they can engage and help those who have been exposed to them.
Helping Wives Whose Husbands Struggle with Pornography
When husbands struggle with pornography their wives need help too. This workshop discusses giving hope and practical direction to the wife, teaching her Biblical resources that God has given to protect her and helping her take her thoughts captive.
Bringing Healing to Marriages Broken by Sexual Sin
Sexual sin has a devastating impact on a marriage, but the gospel offers hope. This session showcases how God works through His Word and His Spirit to change hearts empowering repentance, forgiveness and transformation.
Keys to Evangelism in a Sexualized Culture
How can we do evangelism in the context of counseling those who have suffered sexually? Counselors are needed to engage in these situations but they present dangerous pitfalls. This session discusses how true godliness is the key to avoiding the trap of sexualized relationships.
Friendship on Fire: The Song of Songs on Marriage
What is love and what does love have to do with marriage? Just as no one has the power to bless and encourage you like your spouse, no one else can provoke and hurt you deeply like they can. This session explores the concepts of love and marriage as described in Song of Songs.
Helping Women Who Struggle with Pornography
Pornography is not just a problem for men. This workshop majors on how to biblically counsel a woman caught up in pornography. It discusses four phases that women must work through and concludes with a review of popular resources.
The Advantages of Remaining Sin – Encouraging the Sexual Sinner to Celebrate Christ in the Context of Their Worst Failures
How is rebellion different from weakness and what difference does that make? This session shows the need to point precious strugglers to Christ because the imputed righteousness of our great Savior provides the greatest motivation for obedience and change.
Male Leadership in a Genderless World
A real Adam, a real Eve and a real garden give the paradigm for godly male leadership. This workshop goes back to the beginning to point you to a Christ-like manhood, teach leadership without oppression and discuss implications for counseling.
A Battle Plan for Fighting Pornography
Many believers are losing the battle to pornography because they aren’t fighting with a biblical plan. This workshop outlines a clear strategy for battling pornography with the sufficient resources found in the Person of Christ and the Word of God.
Still Sinning After All These Years – A Biblical Theology of Sinful Failure
How can we try hard to obey God’s laws and still experience joy, even though we fall terribly short day after day? This session looks at many Biblical passages to understand God’s loving purpose in beginning the work of new creation in those still tied to sinful flesh.
Lies That Fuel Disordered Sexual Desires
Behind sexual sins and temptations are often subtle but distorted views of ourselves, the nature of sex, and the character of God. This workshop examines some of these lies and shows how the gospel breaks through them to reveal that the truth is better than we may think.
How to Love Christians Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction
There are many Christians wrestling with same-sex attraction in our churches. How can we best support, encourage and help them? This session discusses some of the vital steps to helping them flourish in Christ, as well as some common mistakes to avoid.
Truths Same-Sex Attracted Christians Need to Hear
Our culture offers a particular narrative about homosexuality, describing a move from repression to a place of flourishing by embracing a homosexual identity. This session will give a counter narrative based on 5 truths that same-sex attracted Christians need to hear.
Confessing our Way to Joy
The truest measure of a Christian and a Christian’s character is not determined by whether or not they fall but by what they do after they fall. This session explains how real confession, both to God and others, is the pathway back to joy for believers who have fallen into sin.
How Grace Empowers Us to Overcome Sexual Idolatry
Disordered sexual desires are ultimately a problem of worship. We seek ultimate satisfaction from earthly things, which become our idols. This session shows how the gospel forgives our idolatries and adulteries and transforms us into worshipers whose greatest delight is in God.
Audio note: Due to some technical difficulties the first 20 minutes of this audio recording is poor quality. We are looking into ways make this content available with a better quality recording.