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CDC2-30. What’s Medical About Mental Illness?

Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Biblical Counseling has been shaped by the doctrine of sufficiency. We will examine how that doc-trine and the science of medicine interact when we encounter those with worry, depression, OCD, and other emotional struggles. Can the Bible help when we counsel those with medical emotional labels?  

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CDC2-30. What’s Medical About Mental Illness?

Bipolar: Feeling Better than Good

Can we minister effectively to people diagnosed with bipolar disorder and their families? This session encourages biblical counselors that they don’t have to know everything about bipolar disorder to be able to help their counselees grow in sanctification.

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CDC2-30. What’s Medical About Mental Illness?

Blame it on the Brain

Is it ever legitimate to blame misbehavior on the brain? The Bible teaches that we are embodied souls with hearts that can be sinful or obedient and bodies that can be strong or weak. This session seeks to distinguish genuine brain disorders from problems rooted in the heart.

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CDC2-30. What’s Medical About Mental Illness?

Counseling People with Psychological Disorders

How do you help someone who already has many labels regarding their condition? In our heavily psychologized culture it can be hard to know the accuracy of these diagnoses.  This workshop aims to equip you to work with those who have diagnoses from the psychological community.

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