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Plenary 5: The Necessary Components of the Gospel for Transformation

Applying the Compassionate Heart of God in Counseling

The Gift of Apology in Friendship

The Delicate Art of Christian Confrontation

Forgiveness and Friendship

Rebuilding a Marriage After an Affair part 2
In this two-part audio series, Wayne Mack discusses principles for recovering from an affair. He begins by discussing the nature of marriage and its relationship to Christianity as ‘heart’ religion. Wayne Mack also articulates how to properly confess an adulterous sin to a spouse. He then finishes by discussing 12 steps for rebuilding the marriage.

Rebuilding a Marriage After an Affair part 1
In this two-part audio series, Wayne Mack discusses principles for recovering from an affair. He begins by discussing the nature of marriage and its relationship to Christianity as ‘heart’ religion. Wayne Mack also articulates how to properly confess an adulterous sin to a spouse. He then finishes by discussing 12 steps for rebuilding the marriage.

Helping Women Who Have Had Abortions
This workshop helps you identify and understand the post-abortive woman and then leading her though the steps of confession, forgiveness, and real freedom that only Christ can offer.

Living In Freedom Amidst Broken Relationships
God is in the reconciliation business therefore we must also be. The consequences of failure to reconcile are severe but the results of true reconciliation bring peace and joy. This workshop teaches the road to reconciliation through humble confrontation and forgiveness.

Making The Invisible Visible; Loving Our Enemies By Grace
Only the gospel transforms lives. The problem is we don’t really believe it. We must come to believe all that’s promised in the gospel and the power that’s present in the gospel. This session unpacks Matthew 5:38-48 and how the gospel enables us to love our enemies.

Helping Parents Develop a Culture of Peacemaking in the Home
Sin creates family strife but the gospel produces a culture of reconciliation in the home. Children will learn to respond to conflict either sinfully or in a godly way. This workshop examines 8 tools of peacemaking to help parents train young peacemakers.

Redemptive Church Discipline
Mutual accountability and discipline are God’s gifts and blessing to the church. This session explains the process of church discipline and discusses how to build a culture that values, understands and allows for this kind of accountability.

When is it Sinful to Keep the Peace?
Peace is something to be worked for and towards but there are a number of scenarios where this is impossible or even sinful. This session unpacks five major areas where people may be inclined to “keep the peace” when they should speak out.

Joseph The Peacemaker
Joseph’s treatment of his brothers in Genesis 45 provides an excellent model of biblical peacemaking and reconciliation. This session looks at what we can learn from Joseph’s example to help us in our own efforts toward peacemaking.

Living at Peace with Your Young Adult Children
You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood but you never stop being a parent! This session discusses how to handle many of the unique challenges that arise for parents of young adult children.

Practical Mediation Skills
Biblical mediation skills can be applied in every life setting to help others resolve conflict. This session takes a detailed look at the primary and secondary roles of a reconciler and foundational skills needed for building a peacemaking team.

A Biblical Theology Of Peacemaking
How can you prepare people to live out the gospel in the conflicts of daily life? In these three sessions Ken Sande develops a vision for building a culture of peace in the local church. This is part 2.

Peacemaking: The Supreme Display Of God’s Glory
How can you prepare people to live out the gospel in the conflicts of daily life? In these three sessions Ken Sande develops a vision for building a culture of peace in the local church. This is part 1.

Peacemaking For Families
The family is a hotbed for conflict. It is also the primary arena in which we can learn and practice peacemaking. This session focuses on making your marriage one of the safest places in the world and making peace with children.

Building A Culture Of Peace In The Local Church
How can you prepare people to live out the gospel in the conflicts of daily life? In these three sessions Ken Sande develops a vision for building a culture of peace in the local church. This is part 3.

Biblical Forgiveness 2
What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness.

Biblical Forgiveness 3
What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness.

Biblical Forgiveness 1
What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness.

Pursuing Peace through Biblical Conflict Resolution
Sadly many people, even Christians, respond in destructive and sinful ways when conflict arises. This session will look at the steps of biblical conflict resolution, describe the PAUSE principle and discuss options including mediation and arbitration.

2 Ways to Handle Hurts
A graphically driven handout to accompany biblical teaching on responding when hurt, contrasting possible natural responses with responses that rely on God’s supernatural grace.

Things You Can Do To Resolve Conflict
A handout reviewing 15 ways to work toward conflict resolution This list helps to shift the focus away from what the other person ought to do and on to one’s own responsibilities.

When It Is Hard To Let Go – Helping Those Who Forgive
It can be easy to say the words “I forgive you” but very difficult to extend true forgiveness to someone who has hurt us. This seminar will help equip individuals to minister to those that find themselves struggling with the forgiveness they have granted.

Gospel-Driven Reconciliation
Many people live with unresloved conflict. The process of reconciliation can be challenging and tumultuous. This seminar will examine how the gospel serves as the foundation for reconciliation and empowers those who are struggling to be reconciled to one another.

Pursuing Peace by Forgiving Others
Forgiveness can be very hard, particularly when someone has hurt us very much. This session will examine how for Christians, meditating on the way Christ has forgiven them all of their debts can and should empower them to forgive others.

Pursuing Peace by Gently Restoring Others
Sometimes to live at peace with others we must confront them about their sin. This session will discuss how to determine if a sin must be confronted and how to go about the process in a way that seeks to gently restore a brother or sister.

Humbly Pursuing Peace
God calls us to peace with others, but in this life it is impossible to completely avoid conflict. This session will examine how to understand conflict from a biblical perspective and practical ways to humbly pursue peace with others when conflict does arise.