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A Biblical View Of Personality

A Biblical View Of Personality

Every counseling system seeks to answer basic questions about man’s purpose and personality. This session will seek to give biblical answers to three  fundamental questions: Who is man? What is wrong with Man? How do you fix man?

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A Biblical View Of Personality

A Battle Plan for Fighting Pornography

Many believers are losing the battle to pornography because they aren’t fighting with a biblical plan.  This workshop outlines a clear strategy for battling pornography with the sufficient resources found in the Person of Christ and the Word of God.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Confessing our Way to Joy

The truest measure of a Christian and a Christian’s character is not determined by whether or not they fall but by what they do after they fall. This session explains how real confession, both to God and others, is the pathway back to joy for believers who have fallen into sin.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling And The Courts

You, your counseling center and your counselees will face tribulation. As cultural animosity towards Christians increases this could come in the form of legal issues. This workshop gives an overview of legal considerations pertinent to biblical counselors and counseling centers.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Drawing Out Idols Of The Heart

There will be a life-long battle over faith in Jesus versus faith in idols. An important aspect of biblical counseling is to help counselees identify and engage in the battle that is raging in their own heart. This session teaches how to draw out and address idols of the heart.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Coming Out Of Homosexuality part 2

Perhaps more than ever before Christians need both clarity and compassion as they seek to help those struggling with homosexuality. Part 2 of this two-part workshop discusses the cause of homosexuality and gives wisdom for counseling strugglers and their families.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Coming Out Of Homosexuality part 1

Perhaps more than ever before Christians need both clarity and compassion as they seek to help those struggling with homosexuality. Part 1 of this two-part workshop examines modern day issues surrounding the homosexuality debate and discusses and critiques unbiblical answers.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Anger Mismanagement

Anger is a problem both in the world and in the church. It is both deceptive and dangerous because for the angry person all anger feels righteous. This session explores the nature of righteous versus unrighteous anger and discusses the gospel truths that address the angry heart.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling In Weakness

Can God use you to help other women? What if you don’t know what to say, have your own problems or are afraid? This workshop show’s how God’s calling to serve Him by serving others applies to ordinary Christian women who are willing to be used by Him.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Sexual Abuse Survivors

God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling those who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy people.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Abiding In Christ

How do we abide in Christ? What does it look like? How does it relate to maintaining a passion for him? This session examines what it means in John 15:1-11 when Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Rape Survivors

Those who have been through sexual assault need understanding and help. This session will give an overview of the typical phases that can be expected after a sexual assault as well as address many common beliefs that survivors struggle with and how to help and comfort them.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Dealing With Suicide: Prevention And Intervention

The word ‘suicide’ is a dreadful expression. People wince at the sound of it and avoid using it to describe the tragic death it implies. This session takes a needed look at what suicide is and how to respond to it, as well as keys to prevention and intervention.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Dealing with Suicide

The word ‘suicide’ is a dreadful expression. People wince at the sound of it and avoid using it to describe the tragic death it implies. This session takes a needed look at what suicide is and how to respond to it, as well as keys to prevention and intervention.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

A Biblical Theology Of Peacemaking

How can you prepare people to live out the gospel in the conflicts of daily life? In these three sessions Ken Sande develops a vision for building a culture of peace in the local church. This is part 2.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling from Job 2

The book of Job is a powerful story of human suffering within the context of both demonic and divine interventions. It should be given serious attention as we seek to help Christians persevere under suffering. Part 2 focuses on the words and actions of Elihu and the Lord.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling from Job 1

The book of Job is a powerful story of human suffering within the context of both demonic and divine interventions. It should be given serious attention as we seek to help Christians persevere under suffering. Part 1 focuses on the words and actions of Job and his 3 friends.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Angry People

How can you help people whose anger is out of control? This session will focus on helping people distinguish between sinful and righteous anger and teaching them how to think and exercise self-control during times of provocation.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling People Pleasers

Some people are addicted to the approval of others. This session will give criteria to help diagnose the spiritual disorder of man pleasing and teach you how to help counselees dethrone the idol of approval.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Parents Who Provoke

The Bible instructs parents not to provoke their children to anger, but many parents violate this instruction without realizing it. This session explains common ways that parents provoke their children to anger and gives a suggested counseling agenda for these situations.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Manipulators

What is manipulation and how can we help those who manipulate others? This session will teach you how to help manipulators identify their sinful patterns, evaluate their thoughts and motives biblically and begin to develop the mindset of a servant.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling the Hurting from 1 Peter

Suffering is a part of a sovereign saving God’s plan. This session gives an overview of suffering from God’s perspective as outlined in the book of 1 Peter. It also unpacks specific texts to use in counseling those who are facing and suffering injustice.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Autism and Asperger Syndrome

Do biblical principles “work” with children on the autism spectrum? This workshop discusses special challenges that children on the autism spectrum face, gives instruction for patiently applying biblical principles and builds hope that God is at work in every circumstance.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling the Terminally Ill

How can you help a terminally ill person face death with hope in Christ? This workshop discusses the need to speak the truth in love to the terminally ill for the purpose of building them up at the very time that their body or mind is wasting away.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Ask the Counselor

Do you have unanswered questions about tough issues in counseling? In this workshop ACBC fellow George Scipione holds a Q&A for any questions people may have related to biblical counseling.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Bipolar: Feeling Better than Good

Can we minister effectively to people diagnosed with bipolar disorder and their families? This session encourages biblical counselors that they don’t have to know everything about bipolar disorder to be able to help their counselees grow in sanctification.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Beautiful Words for Fearful People

Worry, anxiety and fear plague all of us at one time or another. On this side of the Fall fear seems to be etched into our nature. Yet God gives over 300 commands not to be afraid. This session examines the beautiful Words of Scripture that can bring peace to fearful people.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Addictions A Banquet in the Grave 2

Addictions are a worship disorder. Will we worship our own desires or will we worship the true God? This two-part seminar, based on Welch’s book, discusses the spiritual nature of addictions and the hope that can be found in the power of the gospel.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave 1

Addictions are a worship disorder. Will we worship our own desires or will we worship the true God? This two-part seminar, based on Welch’s book, discusses the spiritual nature of addictions and the hope that is found in the power of the gospel.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Dealing with Rebellion

How can parents prevent their kids from getting out of control? What should they do if their children rebel? What about children that are incorrigible? This session unpacks principles from Scripture to answer these questions.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Blame it on the Brain

Is it ever legitimate to blame misbehavior on the brain? The Bible teaches that we are embodied souls with hearts that can be sinful or obedient and bodies that can be strong or weak. This session seeks to distinguish genuine brain disorders from problems rooted in the heart.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Attitudes of a Transformed Heart 2

The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Attitudes of a Transformed Heart 1

The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Blessed with a “Different” Child

Have you been blessed with a “different” child? In this session Dr. Laura Hendrickson shares her own experiences as a mother of a “different” child, discusses typical challenges and temptations and reminds us of the sufficient grace God gives in situations of weakness.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Biblical Forgiveness 2

What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness. 

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Blended Families 2

Dealing with blended family conflicts in counseling requires real biblical wisdom and discernment.  This two-part series discusses typical problems faced by step-families and gives hope and help for all parties involved

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Blended Families 1

Dealing with blended family conflicts in counseling requires real biblical wisdom and discernment.  This two-part series discusses typical problems faced by step-families and gives hope and help for all parties involved.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Biblical Forgiveness 3

What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness. 

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Biblical Forgiveness 1

What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness. 

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Attitudes of a Transformed Heart 3

The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Depression and Anxiety

Emotional pain can be an opportunity when it calls attention to the fact that something is amiss with our hearts. This session explores several diagnostic questions to help determine the root cause of depression and anxiety and point us toward repentance and faith.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Avoiding Legalism in Counseling part 1

Legalism is an ever present danger in Christ’s church and in counseling in particular. This two-part session will help us to understand it so that we will be able to detect, avoid and counter it whenever we see it in ourselves and our associates.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Avoiding Legalism in Counseling 2

Legalism is an ever present danger in Christ’s church and in counseling in particular. This two-part session will help us to understand it so that we will be able to detect, avoid and counter it whenever we see it in ourselves and our associates.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

A Family Surprised by Grace

The amazing grace of God as expressed through the good news of the gospel has a profound impact on all of life. This session is one man’s testimony of the impact of God’s surprising grace on his family and his church.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Amazing Grace for Dads who Fall Short

Many christian men feel overwhelmed by failure in their role as a father.  This session will seek to encourage dads with the grace God has for them and help them get a vision of the amazing opportunity they have to teach their children about His grace.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Caring for the Abused

Victims of abuse suffer greatly and need help. This session will teach you to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse as well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Depression Case Study

Depression is an extremely common counseling problem but can be one of the most difficult issues to deal with.  This is a case study of a twenty-something girl who is struggling to believe the forgiveness of the gospel and is struggling with debilitating depression.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Continuationists, Cessationists, and Counseling

If the Holy Spirit is necessary in our counseling, what exactly is His role? What gifts does He employ? This session will briefly sketch the theological positions and identify how each position impacts our view of the Spirit’s role in counseling and the sufficiency of God’s Word.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling Struggling Adoptive Parents

How can we help adoptive families when the excitement begins to subside and the realities begin to sink in? Despair and isolation are real experiences for many. This session is not only for adoptive parents, but it is also for those who counsel adoptive parents.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Pornography is pervasive in today’s world. It destroys marriages and leaves users with a warped view of sexuality. Sadly, many Christians are trapped by its power. This workshop will show how the grace of Jesus enables someone to break out of the deceitful web of pornography.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Complaining: Rewriting the Story God is Writing

Do you find yourself complaining about the past—wishing you could rewrite your story? In this session you will learn that complaining is a very powerful sin that tries to undo what God has done and is doing. Be encouraged! God invites you to embrace the story He is writing.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling after a Suicide

Many people have been touched by the tragedy of having a loved one take their own life. This workshop will examine how can we help those left behind deal with the emotions and the questions which come in the aftermath of suicide.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling and Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is an ever-present reality for the child of God. A balanced view of spiritual warfare can help both counselors and counselees. This session will examine the truths of spiritual warfare as it applies to the various dimensions of biblical counseling.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Caring When You Don’t Feel Like Caring

How do we care for others when we just don’t feel like it? This message will discuss the call for Christians to care for others, the challenges that arise in caring for others, and what we shoulld do when our emotions run contrary to this.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Caring Because Christ Cares

Christ cares for his people so much that he was made like them in every respect. He did this that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest who can help them in their temptations. We are encouraged to care for others when we see how much Christ cares for them.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Does God Care How I Feel?

There is a biblical theology of the emotions which should play a critical role in much counseling. This workshop will address the subject of the emotions in the Christian life and lay the biblical-theological foundation for understanding the emotions.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Counseling People with Psychological Disorders

How do you help someone who already has many labels regarding their condition? In our heavily psychologized culture it can be hard to know the accuracy of these diagnoses.  This workshop aims to equip you to work with those who have diagnoses from the psychological community.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Caring in Cases of Adultery

Adultery is something that many of us will have to deal with in one way or another in the church. The gospel gives great hope in these difficult situations. The goal of this workshop is to help equip you to bring that hope to those who have felt the pain of a broken covenant.

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A Biblical View Of Personality

Acquire Wealth Wisely

The Bible describes both legitimate and illegitimate ways to gain wealth. This session lays forth a biblical theology of dilligent and skilled work in contrast to the sluggard’s whims. It also puts to rest some common money myths related to gaining money.

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