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Scott Mehl
The Gospel Brings Healing

The Gospel Brings Healing

I find that many Christians get uncomfortable when talking about God and healing. To discuss God bringing physical healing raises controversial questions about spiritual gifts. To discuss emotional healing seems to reflect a concept created by modern psychology, and...

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The Centrality of Love for Counseling

The Centrality of Love for Counseling

In our efforts to help, counsel, and disciple others, we seek to gain the appropriate knowledge and skills for the task.  But, in our attempt to be good counselors, good disciplers, or even just good friends, we can skip right past the fundamental requirement to all personal ministry: to love.  In this session we’ll explore why loving those we’re ministering to and caring for is so centrally important to the work we’ve all been called to.

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The Centrality of Love for Counseling

Counseling Sexual Struggles in Marriage

Sexual struggles are some of the most common, yet unaddressed, difficulties for many married couples.  To help a couple grow in their marriage will often involve counseling them through their sexual struggles.  But, as always, biblical counsel must begin with a clear biblical vision for what God created sex to be and how couples should view and understand it rightly in light of that design.

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The Centrality of Love for Counseling

The Gospel and Mental Health

We hear every day that our nation and our communities are in the midst of a mental health crisis.  But, what exactly is mental health?  Does the Bible have anything to say about it?  How can we, as Christians, understand what the world calls mental health?  And what, if anything, do biblical counselors have to offer to those struggling with these common and serious problems?

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The Centrality of Love for Counseling

Listening and Ministering to Eating Disorders

How do we understand the dynamics of eating disorders and how do we interpret them as caused by both sin and suffering? This session wiil seek to answer these questions from a biblical perspective and discuss how the gospel offers hope and help in the midst of the struggle.

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The Centrality of Love for Counseling

Depression Case Study

Depression is an extremely common counseling problem but can be one of the most difficult issues to deal with.  This is a case study of a twenty-something girl who is struggling to believe the forgiveness of the gospel and is struggling with debilitating depression.

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