Equipped to Counsel (SI15)

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Pornography is pervasive in today’s world. It destroys marriages and leaves users with a warped view of sexuality. Sadly, many Christians are trapped by its power. This workshop will show how the grace of Jesus enables someone to break out of the deceitful web of pornography.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Continuationists, Cessationists, and Counseling

If the Holy Spirit is necessary in our counseling, what exactly is His role? What gifts does He employ? This session will briefly sketch the theological positions and identify how each position impacts our view of the Spirit’s role in counseling and the sufficiency of God’s Word.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Counseling Struggling Adoptive Parents

How can we help adoptive families when the excitement begins to subside and the realities begin to sink in? Despair and isolation are real experiences for many. This session is not only for adoptive parents, but it is also for those who counsel adoptive parents.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Depression Case Study

Depression is an extremely common counseling problem but can be one of the most difficult issues to deal with.  This is a case study of a twenty-something girl who is struggling to believe the forgiveness of the gospel and is struggling with debilitating depression.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Equipping Women to Uproot Bitterness

Bitterness can easily take root in the heart when we’ve been hurt or offended or we believe something has happened to us that is unfair or unjust. This message will examine evidences of bitterness, ruling motives, and practical steps to rooting it out for the glory of God.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Guarding Against Gossip

The sin of gossip is easily overlooked or minimized but affects relationships and is destructive within the church. This workshop will cover the dangers of this particular sin of the tongue and discuss examples the Bible gives as well as the hope it offers.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Having Biblical Expectations in Counseling

Biblical counseling is really about sanctification and growth in the Christian life. How much transformation can we expect? This session will use the New Testament pattern of the already and the not yet to help frame our expectations in counseling. 

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Helping People Handle Trials

How can we really have joy in the midst of trials? In this workshop we will examine how God uses losses in this life for great gain, and how that enables us to find joy in the midst of our own suffering, and to help others do the same.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Listening and Ministering to Eating Disorders

How do we understand the dynamics of eating disorders and how do we interpret them as caused by both sin and suffering? This session wiil seek to answer these questions from a biblical perspective and discuss how the gospel offers hope and help in the midst of the struggle.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Listening and Ministering to Sexual Issues

There are numerous similarities between a number of different sexual struggles, and the gospel offers hope and help in the midst of each of them. In this workshop we will focus on equipping you to minister to those who struggle in these areas.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

The Necessity of Biblical Counseling

All people face troubles in life. The Bible is a book that is shockingly honest  about these troubles. This session unpacks the reasons why biblical counseling is really the only true answer to walking with people through seasons of serious trouble.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

The Necessity of Prayer in Counseling

Effective counseling involves spiritual warfare. This is why it must be a matter of prayer. In this session  Voddie Baucham shares some personal counseling experiences  to encourage counselors to remember the importance of prayer in counseling.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

The Necessity of the Church in Counseling

Biblical counseling is necessary for the church and the church is necessary for biblical counseling. This session will define what is meant by “counseling” in the context of the local church and discuss how helping hurting, needy people is at the heart of her calling.

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Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

What is Biblical Counseling? Part 1

Psychology and theology both deal with the fundamental issues of meaning and value. Many modern approaches have unscriptural presuppositions and practices. This workshop introduces biblical counseling and the importance of approaching these issues from a Christian perspective.

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