Every Christian should aspire to be a gospel counselor to others and church leaders...

Every Christian should aspire to be a gospel counselor to others and church leaders...
” How does identity in Christ transform a person struggling with addictions? This worship...
” This workshop considers how to balance past military experience and identity in Christ....
” The sin of “being wise in one’s own eyes” is easy to see in others, yet difficult to...
” Where do psychological labels come from and how is a treatment plan developed? How...
” In this workshop, we will seek out the biblical response to those that define...
” How should I think and feel about myself if my counselees reject what I have been...
” ” This workshop considers the supremacy of finding one’s identity in Christ rather...
The goal of this talk is to address personality from a biblical perspective. We begin...
” Issues of identity are some of the most difficult and painful questions facing...
” Life in a fallen world involves many forms of suffering, including medical diseases,...
The Scriptures teach that a believer’s identity is associated with their belonging in the...
” This session considers how a Christian is uniquely called to live out Grandparenthood....
” Women married to men in ministry face physical and spiritual challenges. These...
” How do we help a single man struggling with pornography? Join us as we think about...
Sin is so tragic because it corrupts what is most beautiful: God’s personhood displayed...
” Has your call to ministry become idolatrous? Has ministry become your chief identity?...
Let's consider what it means to be chosen by God. Download MP3 Audio | Download Outline...
” How do you know who is the right guy and who is the wrong guy? Join us as we think...
” For many of us in ministry, our ministry becomes our life. There is something beautiful...
How does ethnicity and culture play into our identity? Download MP3 Audio | Download...
” This workshop will explore the idea of “Love Languages” and how they should be...
” From Bible times until now we see examples of those who live to keep others happy. Some...
Sanctification is a dynamic process; established by God, carried out by God, and completed by God. Yet, human effort is involved in God’s design of sanctification. Much of that effort flows from an accurate understanding of self as having been crucified with Christ and raised with him to new life.
In a high-tempo, status-seeking, achievement-driven, celebrity-worshiping world how are...
This session considers what our union with Christ has to do with our identity. Download...
” Self-hate is a subterranean problem, usually buried deep under layers of relational...
This session examines how the sainthood of the believer informs their identity. ...
” This workshop will teach you how to identify the idols that are hidden in your heart...
” This workshop will help those who have been diagnosed with PTSD and those who counsel...
” This workshop reviews how to help counselee’s find their identity in Christ rather...
” This workshop explores one of the key concepts of the Protestant Reformation that is...
” This workshop explores the concept that all believers have a calling fromGod and that...
” This workshop explores the Biblical basis for gender and how that impacts identity....