Category: Handouts,Homework

The Sin Test

December 10, 2015

The Sin Test

Is your entertainment flesh free?

  • Consider the content of the movies and television programs you watch
  • Consider the style and content of the music you listen
  • Consider the atmosphere of the restaurants and other places you frequent in your leisure
  • Is the time you spent on hobbies & sports in an appropriate proportion to the time you spend seeking God

Is your pursuit of possessions flesh free?

  • Evaluate your desires & motives in relation to regarding the things you buy? Why do you buy them?
  • Do you find yourself trying to impress others with things you have or places y’ou ve gone
  • Is the way you dress modest
  • How concerned are you about keeping up with the current fashion, trends or fads

Are your friendships flesh free?

  • Examine the content of your conversations
  • Do you find yourself wanting inappropriate physical contact which creates lustful desires
  • Examine your relationship with your What areas of sin does this bring to light?

Ecclesiastes 12:14 says “God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing whether good or bad”

Consider the following list of potential sins

  • Adultery, inappropriate anger, Anxiety, bitterness, blame shifting, lack of discipline, evil desires, lack of faith, un-confessed sin, robbing God in your financial priorities, gossiping, hot temper, laziness, lying, disobedience, lack of forgiveness, self-pity, worry, critical spirit, discontent, drug abuse, rebellion against authority, greed,
  • What secret sins do you have that only you and God know about?

Matthew 12:36 says that we will have to give account of every idle word we speak

  • Can your language be characterized as careless or idle?
  • What words, tone of voice or emotions do you need to repent of?

Name the last three things you did for someone because you wanted to show the love of Christ to them.




Name three things that you repented of this year.




Name three things that God has given you victory over




1 Timothy 4:12 tells us to be an example to other believers in speech, if life, in love, in faith, and in purity.

Rate each of the following items:

Consistently true {4}, Generally true {3}, Occasionally true {2}, Seldom true {1}

  • ____ Do I seem to know when and how to approach problems? (tactfully and sensitively)
  • ____Do I effectively challenge others to fulfill their responsibilities?
  • ____Do I refrain from unwholesome conversation (gossiping, griping, off-color remarks)
  • ____Am I free from the preoccupation of material things?
  • ____Am I attentive to small personal details? (cleanliness, punctuality, manners)
  • ____Do I live for the benefit of others rather than only pursuing my personal interests?
  • ____Do I listen to others or do I generally want to tell others about my situation?
  • ____Do I show compassion for others in their times of disappointment and discouragement?
  • ____Do I genuinely serve others or do I look to manipulate others with my actions?
  • ____Do I stay calm and stable under pressure?
  • ____Do I possess a sense of humor that makes me pleasant company?
  • ____Do I patiently listen before giving advice and taking action?
  • ____Am I content with my present circumstances?
  • ____Is my spiritual life a priority?
  • ____Do I frequently share with others what God is doing in my life?


  • The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship exists to strengthen churches in one another care by offering training, counseling resources, events, and free resources that are helpful to anyone interested in learning how to better help others.
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