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I am a Porn Struggler
” How do we help a single man struggling with pornography? Join us as we think about...

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Muchos de ustedes nos han contactado respecto a la necesidad de recursos y capacitaciones de consejería bíblica en español. Estamos gustosos de anunciar que finalmente tenemos una respuesta. La Fuente, una iglesia en Quito-Ecuador, esta dispuesta a realizar el doblaje en español de nuestros Videos de Observación ” Jeremy y Crystal” dirigidos a la consejería en un caso de pornografía.

Helping Wives Whose Husbands Struggle with Pornography
When husbands struggle with pornography their wives need help too. This workshop discusses giving hope and practical direction to the wife, teaching her Biblical resources that God has given to protect her and helping her take her thoughts captive.

Helping Women Who Struggle with Pornography
Pornography is not just a problem for men. This workshop majors on how to biblically counsel a woman caught up in pornography. It discusses four phases that women must work through and concludes with a review of popular resources.

A Battle Plan for Fighting Pornography
Many believers are losing the battle to pornography because they aren’t fighting with a biblical plan. This workshop outlines a clear strategy for battling pornography with the sufficient resources found in the Person of Christ and the Word of God.

Lies That Fuel Disordered Sexual Desires
Behind sexual sins and temptations are often subtle but distorted views of ourselves, the nature of sex, and the character of God. This workshop examines some of these lies and shows how the gospel breaks through them to reveal that the truth is better than we may think.

Sexual Purity In Men 1
There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.

Sexual Purity In Men 2
There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.

Counseling People Struggling with Life-Dominating Sins
Yielding to sin means slavery to Satan and to sin. Yielding to the Savior is the only way to break the bondage. This workshop discusses who the enemy is, how he works to take people captive through sin and what weapons are available to the Christian to gain victory.

Counseling Men Struggling with Sexual Sin
Sexual sin is one of the most common and deadly life-dominating sins. This workshop will help you to engage the heart of your counselee, exposit the word appropriately and apply it specifically as you seek to help him in his battle against sexual sin.

Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography
Pornography is pervasive in today’s world. It destroys marriages and leaves users with a warped view of sexuality. Sadly, many Christians are trapped by its power. This workshop will show how the grace of Jesus enables someone to break out of the deceitful web of pornography.

The Pain of Porn
Our sex-saturated culture has taken sexuality from a blessing given by God and made it into an idol to be worshipped and distorted. This workshop will examine the rampant destruction left in the path of pornography and the hope the gospel offers to strugglers.