Sexual Abuse
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Helping Abuse Survivors Find Identity in Christ
” Issues of identity are some of the most difficult and painful questions facing...

The Impact of Abuse on Children
The church and church leaders have a biblical responsibility toward the vulnerable and children. In this session author Chris Moles will discuss both social and theological considerations of the impact of domestic violence on children.

Victim Care
In this session author Chris Moles will teach how to give real help, hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse.

Protecting Your Church from Sexual Predators
Sexual predators often look upon churches as soft targets for their evil acts. This workshop teaches church leaders and parents the need to implement proven policies and practices that will help keep our children safe.

How Grace Empowers Us to Overcome Sexual Idolatry
Disordered sexual desires are ultimately a problem of worship. We seek ultimate satisfaction from earthly things, which become our idols. This session shows how the gospel forgives our idolatries and adulteries and transforms us into worshipers whose greatest delight is in God.
Audio note: Due to some technical difficulties the first 20 minutes of this audio recording is poor quality. We are looking into ways make this content available with a better quality recording.

Counseling Men Struggling with Sexual Sin
Sexual sin is one of the most common and deadly life-dominating sins. This workshop will help you to engage the heart of your counselee, exposit the word appropriately and apply it specifically as you seek to help him in his battle against sexual sin.

Data-Gathering: 40 Questions for Sexual Problems
40 questions for counselors to ask when working with a counselee who struggles sexual problems. This could also be given as homework to be filled out by the counselee.

Learning from King David’s Failure
We were shocked last week when we heard that Charles had been caught in a pattern of adultery and deceit and had been removed from office. How could such a thing happen to a man who seemed to have it all together, who had successfully passed through the temptations of his younger years, who seemed to have everything a minister could want? Does this mean that his entire ministry had been a lie? Are the books, articles and tapes he produced worthless? Or did something happen to take a man who had been qualified and used of God and ruin him?