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Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
13 guidelines, provided by Timothy Keller, for godly communication, backed up by their scriptural basis, reminding of the various areas that can be worked on for improvement.
The Bible teaches that words can be as destructive (or abusive) as fists. Every time we open our mouths we are either promoting God’s kingdom by building others up or we are extending the realm of the Evil One by tearing others down. How can our sinful tongues be tamed?
To close out season 2 of the Care & Discipleship Podcast, Craig Marshall sat down with Jim Newheiser (Director of Biblical Counseling at RTS Charlotte) and Tom Maxham (pastor of Grace Bible Church, Escondido and staff counselor at IBCD) to discuss the tenuous situation of dealing with domestic abuse when counseling a couple. This episode is a response to a listener question and addresses a very relevant issue in the church today. The counselors discuss how to respond not only to physical abuse but also how to think through verbal and emotional abuse. They detail the various ways in which churches tend to make mistakes regarding verbal and emotional abuse and articulate a proper response. They also engage with the book The Heart of Domestic Abuse written by Chris Moles who will be speaking on the issue at the 2017 Summer Institute and Pre-Conference.
Are you or your counselee stuck in frustrating and sinful communication patterns? How can you honor God in your communication? This workshop teaches the Communication Skills Wheel as a method for accurate and purposeful communication that builds up both individuals.
A 30-question quiz requiring reflection on what it means to be an “encourager” and the extent to which one manifests those qualities in their relationships.
A 2-page handout walking through four rules for God-honoring communication. This handout is based on principles from Ephesians 4:25-32.
A handout outlining the purpose and procedures for Conference Table discussion. This handout is useful for counselees to review before beginning a discussion during the week.
The sin of gossip is easily overlooked or minimized but affects relationships and is destructive within the church. This workshop will cover the dangers of this particular sin of the tongue and discuss examples the Bible gives as well as the hope it offers.
People often do not realize the weight of their words, and careless words have crushed many souls. This workshop will examine biblical categories of caring speech, and how we can help foster it in our own lives and in the lives of our counselees.
Why is it important to practice affirmation? How can this radically change our relationships for the better? This session will discuss the pervasive, universal, non-optional mechanism that God has wired into the universe.
If I praise others won’t it just make them prideful? Is there a way that praising others can actually build them up to become more Christlike? This session gives biblical warrant for God-centered praise of those who are not God.
It is so much easier to be critical of others than to affirm them. Even when we want to build others up we often find ourselves tearing them down instead. This session will discuss how to help people grow in their ability to affirm others well.
What are some practical ways that you can begin to apply the principles of God-centered affirmation to your relationships? This session will help you to move beyond good intentions to actually cultivating joyful, healthy relational patterns.