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Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
” From Bible times until now we see examples of those who live to keep others happy. Some...
” How should I think and feel about myself if my counselees reject what I have been...
” Women married to men in ministry face physical and spiritual challenges. These...
” How do we help a single man struggling with pornography? Join us as we think about...
” This workshop explores the Biblical basis for gender and how that impacts identity....
” How do you know who is the right guy and who is the wrong guy? Join us as we think...
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the relationship of Christ with his church. This session will focus on the role of the wife in marriage.
This workshop helps you identify and understand the post-abortive woman and then leading her though the steps of confession, forgiveness, and real freedom that only Christ can offer.
The church and church leaders have a biblical responsibility toward the vulnerable and children. In this session author Chris Moles will discuss both social and theological considerations of the impact of domestic violence on children.
In this session author Chris Moles will teach how to give real help, hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse.
This session will seek to rethink some past approaches to situations of domestic violence, redefine this common problem and reach to the heart of the issue with hope to redeem these situations for God’s glory.
In this session author Chris Moles will define domestic violence, explain the motivations and tactics of perpetrators and discuss the various manifestations of domestic violence including physical, sexual, emotional, economic and psychological abuse.
To close out season 2 of the Care & Discipleship Podcast, Craig Marshall sat down with Jim Newheiser (Director of Biblical Counseling at RTS Charlotte) and Tom Maxham (pastor of Grace Bible Church, Escondido and staff counselor at IBCD) to discuss the tenuous situation of dealing with domestic abuse when counseling a couple. This episode is a response to a listener question and addresses a very relevant issue in the church today. The counselors discuss how to respond not only to physical abuse but also how to think through verbal and emotional abuse. They detail the various ways in which churches tend to make mistakes regarding verbal and emotional abuse and articulate a proper response. They also engage with the book The Heart of Domestic Abuse written by Chris Moles who will be speaking on the issue at the 2017 Summer Institute and Pre-Conference.
Longing to be noticed is really about your heart. Immodesty and sensuality are manifestations of sinful inner thoughts and desires. This workshop discusses how we should long to please God and be modest and discrete, and ends with practical tips on how.
We have all been created within the context of relationship: relationships with one another and relationship with God. But sin entered our world, damaging and even breaking relationships. The goal of this workshop is putting our relationships back into proper perspective.
Christian women know they should read their Bibles, but desire is often weak and the knowledge of how to begin is lacking. This workshop will encourage you to delve into the Scriptures through Bible reading, memorization, and suggested study methods.
Counseling sexually abused women can seem too daunting an endeavor for everyone involved. Part 1 of this workshop unfolds a biblical description of common issues and highlights typical needs in working towards the freedom, usefulness, and joy God intends.
Counseling sexually abused women can seem too daunting an endeavor for everyone involved. Part 2 of this workshop offers specific resources for counseling women plagued or hindered by past sexual abuse. This session will give you some effective tools for your counseling toolbox.
When husbands struggle with pornography their wives need help too. This workshop discusses giving hope and practical direction to the wife, teaching her Biblical resources that God has given to protect her and helping her take her thoughts captive.
Pornography is not just a problem for men. This workshop majors on how to biblically counsel a woman caught up in pornography. It discusses four phases that women must work through and concludes with a review of popular resources.
Daelynn Romo is a wife and mother of three, an active church member and a friend of IBCD. She is also the face of Danielle, a counselee in one of IBCD’s Observation Videos. At the urging of her husband, Danielle comes to seek counsel from her pastor’s wife after an old struggle with an eating disorder re-emerges. We asked Daelynn to talk with us about her experience and to share her own story.
The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.
The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.
The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.
Emotional pain can be an opportunity when it calls attention to the fact that something is amiss with our hearts. This session explores several diagnostic questions to help determine the root cause of depression and anxiety and point us toward repentance and faith.
Hormones from things like PMS, Pregnancy and Menopause can leave women feeling like they are on a mood-swing merry-go-round. This session discusses how women can learn to manage their emotions during these challenging times in a way that honors God.
Because sexual abuse is so prevalent women counselors need to understand how the Bible helps females who have been sexually abused. This workshop will examine the biblical way to deal with the shame and emotional pain of the victim and the role of the church in helping them.
Victims of abuse suffer greatly and need help. This session will teach you to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse as well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way.
A 12-question quiz for wives to examine whether their actions communicate respect or disrespect to their husbands. Each question includes the biblical basis for self-reflection.
The sin of gossip is easily overlooked or minimized but affects relationships and is destructive within the church. This workshop will cover the dangers of this particular sin of the tongue and discuss examples the Bible gives as well as the hope it offers.
Bitterness can easily take root in the heart when we’ve been hurt or offended or we believe something has happened to us that is unfair or unjust. This message will examine evidences of bitterness, ruling motives, and practical steps to rooting it out for the glory of God.
How do you help women who self-injure? This workshop will examine the similarities and distinctions between four very different, self-injuring women and discuss some of the Scriptures and counseling methods which will provide the greatest help for all self-injurers.
Do you find yourself complaining about the past—wishing you could rewrite your story? In this session you will learn that complaining is a very powerful sin that tries to undo what God has done and is doing. Be encouraged! God invites you to embrace the story He is writing.
The New Testament has a shocking view of singleness. This workshop examines the blessings and challenges of a single life and gives practical suggestions for helping singles see the grace of God at work in them and through them and how the church can better minister to them.
The past for many women includes hard, life-changing experiences. Life in the aftermath can leave them feeling that they are less than they once were. This workshop will explore God’s purposeful and loving use of these experiences to show His power and love.
This workshop offers practical tips for working with a counselee and their doctor as they come off an antidepressant. It also includes a section that explains the theory of chemical imbalance and why psychiatrists are now saying it is not true.
Many married women feel alone and isolated from their spouse. How can we help women who find themselves in this situation? What does the Bible have to say about the intimacy we should have in marriage, and what should we do when we find our expectations are not being met?
We know we are to admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted and help the weak, but how do we really do that? This session will seek to answer that question with specific counsel and instruction for three case studies: Unbending Ursula, Worrisome Wanda, and Fragile Franny.
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the relationship of Christ with his church. This session will focus on the role of the wife in marriage.
What does grace have to do with sex? In this workshop, for women only, you will learn how the grace God has given in Christ can and should overflow into a gracious and healthy physical relationship between husband and wife.
How can sex be graceless? This workshop, for women only, will explore the sinful attitudes and actions that many women fall in to, that can stifle or even completely kill the physical relationship between husband and wife.