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Top 10 Podcast Episodes of 2020

December 14, 2020

The Hope + Help Podcast is a great addition to the IBCD family. Christine is a wonderful host who draws wisdom from leaders within the Biblical counseling movement to provide her listeners with content that is both scriptural and practical. This podcast is a must-listen for the Biblical counselor.

—Chris Moles, Pastor, Author, Speaker, & Biblical Counselor

This past February, IBCD launched the Hope + Help Podcast in an effort to host accessible, biblical conversations about life’s challenging problems. Since its launch, the show has been streamed nearly 43,000 times to a global audience. We’re thankful to the many guests who have appeared on the program to date and also to the members of our faithful audience, who’ve not only listened but shared these important conversations with loved ones, church members, and counselees.

Hosted by Christine Chappell, the Hope + Help Podcast offers interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. In celebration of the work the Lord has done through the Hope + Help Podcast this year, we’ve collected the top 10 most streamed episodes (as of 12/9/2020) here for you to explore. Click the links below to access show notes and stream the conversations online. All of the podcast pages include links to recommended reading resources and/or related topical content available via our extensive online audio library.

Top 10 Podcast Episodes of 2020

10.) Hope + Help for Overeating with Shannon McCoy

9.) Hope + Help for Loving Messy People with Scott Mehl

8.) Friendship: A Lost Theology for One-Another Care (Women’s Panel Discussion)

7.) Hope + Help for Intimacy & Past Abuse with Nate Brooks & Anna Mondal

6.) Hope + Help for Practicing Affirmation with Sam Crabtree

5.) Hope + Help for Bipolar Disorder with Dr. Charles Hodges

4.) Hope + Help for Identifying Abuse with Darby Strickland

3.) Hope + Help for Discouraged Parents with Marty Machowski

2.) Hope + Help for Loss and Grief with Paul Tautges

1.) Hope + Help LIVE for Heart Change with Brad Bigney

Stay tuned for more bi-weekly episodes beginning January 4th, 2021! Click here to view more available episodes.

Places to Listen: iTunesSoundCloudSpotifyStream OnlineGoogle Podcasts

If you’ve enjoyed listening to the Hope + Help Podcast this year, would you consider partnering with us through an end of year giving donation? Your generous support helps us continue to produce conversations like those listed in this post, and supports our mission of equipping the local church for one-another care. To learn more and donate, visit


  • IBCD
    The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship exists to strengthen churches in one another care by offering training, counseling resources, events, and free resources that are helpful to anyone interested in learning how to better help others.
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