Category: Handouts,Homework

Built to Last: The Greatest Risk You’ll Ever Take – Marriage Homework

December 10, 2015

A great assignment for improving or strengthening a marriage. Seven reflections questions for each spouse to work through and then discuss over a dinner date.

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Marriage Homework

If you are married, I want you to plan a quiet dinner alone this week with just your mate. In preparation for this meeting each of you should individually write out your answers to the questions below. After dinner, set aside time to discuss your answers. Be ready to come together to talk about it, not to beat each other up, or to fix blame but grow your marriage for God’s glory. Come together in a spirit of reconciliation and teamwork of “Let’s make this thing work!” Out of obedience to God tell the truth but don’t exaggerate (Eph. 4:15).

  1. In specific terms, what do you expect out of marriage?
  2. In specific terms, list 10 things you have done to make your marriage a success.
  3. In specific terms, list 10 ways you have been at fault in your marriage.
  4. In specific terms, list 10 ways you may change to make your marriage a better marriage.
  5. In specific terms, write out what you would ask Jesus Christ to change about your marriage if you were assured He would work a miracle and do it.
  6. Honestly, evaluate the changes you would like to see in your mate. Are they really important? Do you have biblical grounds for desiring these changes? Are they for the good of your mate or just because you want them? Are you really concerned about your mate or just having your own way and making it easy on yourself?
  7. Consider Philippians 2:3, 4 and Ephesians 4:1-3 and write out 10 specific ways in which you may demonstrate to your mate that you think he/she is really important and that you are sincerely interested in the things that interest him/her.


  • IBCD
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