Category: Handouts,Homework

Fear Homework Assignment Samples:

December 10, 2015

11 possible homework assignments for counselees who struggle with issues of fear, worry, and anxiety. This list includes reading assignments, scripture memory and journaling activities.

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Fear Homework

  1. Read Jay Adam s ’pamphlet, “What To Do When Fear Overcomes You? ”Underline the 10 most important sentences to you, and bring it with to our next meeting for discussion.
  2. Read one chapter of Elyse Fitzpatrick s ’book, Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety, and write out your answers to the questions at the end of the chapter. Bring your answers with you to our next meeting to discuss. (Continue this week by week, working through the book)
  3. Keep a “Fear” journal and record times that you are fearful or feel that you are suffering a ‘panic attack.’ Jot down the date, time, circumstances, and what you were thinking or saying to yourself about the circumstances.
  4. Memorize Psa. 34:4 “ I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears and” Psa. 56:3-4 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His Word), in God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me? Also, write them on a 3×5 card to keep posted somewhere that is visible throughout the day – on your bathroom mirror, computer, kitchen cabinet, etc.
  5. Read the booklet by Jerry Bridges, “You Can Trust God” and answer the questions in the back. Bring it with you for discussion to our next meeting.
  6. Read your Bible every day –even if just for 10 minutes. Start with the book of Psalms and read with a purpose – looking for God and His characteristics. Use a notebook to record any characteristics that you see about God each day in your reading. Take a moment to meditate on how that characteristic of God should shape your day. In light of that characteristic, what should you think today? Bring your notebook with you to our next meeting.
  7. Read Phil. 4:8-9 and then make a Blessing” list to combat fearful / untrue thoughts. Review this list each morning along with your Bible reading.
  8. Fight to form the habit of talking to yourself rather than listening to yourself. Speak Scripture to yourself rather than listening to your own voice of fear and fear-producing thoughts.
  9. Read Martha Peace s ’book, “Excellent Wife”, chapter 19, p. 215-226 on fear. Then complete the study guide questions on p. 81-83.
  10. Read a little every day from Elisabeth Elliot’s book, “Keep a Quiet Heart.”
  11. Memorize I John 4:18 and make a list of loving deeds that you can do for those around you. Choose to love by giving for the needs of another rather than drawing back in fear. Set a goal to do two of the loving deeds on your list this week. Do not allow feelings of fear to keep you from doing it (i.e. Fear of driving your son to soccer, fear of eating out in a restaurant with your spouse).


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