Category: Handouts,Homework

Identifying Pride

December 10, 2015

A suggestive list of how pride can influence people to sin in particular instances. This list culminates in a prayer of repentance for the specific ways one has acted in pride.

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Identify Your Pride

Reflect on each statement and answer if it truly or falsely describes your character. At the end examples and explanations of typical prideful behavior will be given.

18 Manifestations of Pride

  1. Desiring to be recognized and appreciated.
  2. Feeling hurt when others are promoted and I am overlooked.
  3. Focusing on myself rather than others.
  4. Being quick to blame others for their failures.
  5. Becoming defensive when criticized.
  6. Being concerned with what others will think about me.
  7. Difficulty in admitting when I have failed another person.
  8. Viewing others lower than myself.
  9. Desiring for others to meet my needs.
  10. Desiring self-advancement.
  11. Desiring to be successful apart from God’s blessings or direction.
  12. Refusing to give up personal rights.
  13. Desiring to control others.
  14. Talking most often about myself when conversing with others.
  15. Drawing attention to my abilities and achievements.
  16. Feeling sorry for myself because I am not appreciated.
  17. Focusing on my knowledge and experience.
  18. Feeling self-sufficient, with no need for God or others.

Lord, I acknowledge and renounce my pride as evidenced by my _______. I ask your forgiveness and choose to humble myself and respond with a proper attitude.


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