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How Our Identity in Christ can Transform Our Relationships
Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here! Download the Christlikeness Checkup here!

Grace Race and the Church

I am sanctified
Sanctification is a dynamic process; established by God, carried out by God, and completed by God. Yet, human effort is involved in God’s design of sanctification. Much of that effort flows from an accurate understanding of self as having been crucified with Christ and raised with him to new life.

I am a Grandparent
” This session considers how a Christian is uniquely called to live out Grandparenthood....

How Christ Transforms us in our Diseases and Disabilities
” Life in a fallen world involves many forms of suffering, including medical diseases,...

You are Your Calling
” This workshop explores the concept that all believers have a calling fromGod and that...

Be Not Wise in your Own Eyes
” The sin of “being wise in one’s own eyes” is easy to see in others, yet difficult to...

I am Dating the Wrong Guy
” How do you know who is the right guy and who is the wrong guy? Join us as we think...

Keep Yourselves From Idols
” This workshop will teach you how to identify the idols that are hidden in your heart...

I am Called to Ministry
” Has your call to ministry become idolatrous? Has ministry become your chief identity?...

Defined by my Sexuality
” In this workshop, we will seek out the biblical response to those that define...

You are Your Gender
” This workshop explores the Biblical basis for gender and how that impacts identity....

I am a Porn Struggler
” How do we help a single man struggling with pornography? Join us as we think about...

Addiction, Identity, and the Gospel
” How does identity in Christ transform a person struggling with addictions? This worship...

I am a Ministry Wife
” Women married to men in ministry face physical and spiritual challenges. These...

Gospeling One Another
Life is messy, yet God calls us into the mess with one another. Even when it comes to the...

I am Worthless: Overcoming Self-Hate
” Self-hate is a subterranean problem, usually buried deep under layers of relational...

Finding my Identity as a Biblical Counselor
” How should I think and feel about myself if my counselees reject what I have been...

The Beginning of Knowledge
” This workshop reviews how to help counselee’s find their identity in Christ rather...

You are a Prophet, Priest, and King
” This workshop explores one of the key concepts of the Protestant Reformation that is...

Helping Abuse Survivors Find Identity in Christ
” Issues of identity are some of the most difficult and painful questions facing...

PTSD: Moving Past Trauma
” This workshop will help those who have been diagnosed with PTSD and those who counsel...

I am my Ministry: Perspectives on Life and Calling
” For many of us in ministry, our ministry becomes our life. There is something beautiful...

I am not my Love Language
” This workshop will explore the idea of “Love Languages” and how they should be...

Counseling Systems and the Labels that Become Identity
” Where do psychological labels come from and how is a treatment plan developed? How...

I am Not the Opinions of Others
” From Bible times until now we see examples of those who live to keep others happy. Some...

I am United with Christ
This session considers what our union with Christ has to do with our identity. Download...

Fit for Duty
” ” This workshop considers the supremacy of finding one’s identity in Christ rather...

I am a Child of God
The Scriptures teach that a believer’s identity is associated with their belonging in the...

I will be Glorified
This session examines how the sainthood of the believer informs their identity. ...

I am my Upbringing: Moving Beyond Family Identity

I am not my Ethnicity
How does ethnicity and culture play into our identity? Download MP3 Audio | Download...

Get Over Yourself!
The goal of this talk is to address personality from a biblical perspective. We begin...

Abounding in Hope and Able to Counsel
Every Christian should aspire to be a gospel counselor to others and church leaders...

I am Successful
In a high-tempo, status-seeking, achievement-driven, celebrity-worshiping world how are...

The Calling of Every Christian & The Art of Gospel Care
Life is messy, yet God calls us into the mess with one another. Even when it comes to the...

As a Good Soldier of Christ
” This workshop considers how to balance past military experience and identity in Christ....

The Centrality of Love & Knowing One Another
Life is messy, yet God calls us into the mess with one another. Even when it comes to the...

Serving One Another & Speaking to One Another
Life is messy, yet God calls us into the mess with one another. Even when it comes to the...

I am a Sinner
Sin is so tragic because it corrupts what is most beautiful: God’s personhood displayed...

I am Chosen
Let's consider what it means to be chosen by God. Download MP3 Audio | Download Outline...

Finding Identity in Christ (Jim Newheiser)
Jim Newheiser joins Bob and Ann Maree Goudzwaard to discuss his upcoming talks at the...

Union with Christ (Keith Palmer)
Keith Palmer joins Bob and Ann Maree Goudzwaard to discuss his upcoming sessions at the...

Identity as a Child of God (Greg Gifford)
Greg Gifford joins Bob and Ann Maree Goudzwaard to discuss his upcoming plenary session...

Identity and Labels (Deepak Reju)
Bob & Ann Maree Goudzwaard discuss the topic of identity with Deepak Reju, Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Families at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC. Deepak is one of our plenary speakers at the 2019 Institute “Identity Crisis” in June.

Longing for Relationships
We have all been created within the context of relationship: relationships with one another and relationship with God. But sin entered our world, damaging and even breaking relationships. The goal of this workshop is putting our relationships back into proper perspective.

Longing to Be Noticed
Longing to be noticed is really about your heart. Immodesty and sensuality are manifestations of sinful inner thoughts and desires. This workshop discusses how we should long to please God and be modest and discrete, and ends with practical tips on how.

Back To Grace – How to Counsel Without Turning Your Counselee Into a Pharisee
When you’re in the performance trap you start defining yourself in terms of your own performance in the Christian life. This session will teach you to counsel in a way that helps your counselees come to depend more deeply on Christ rather than their own performance?

Seeing Your Justification Clearly
When we have a distorted view of reality, we suffer as a result. This session will unpack five truths that will help you develop a proper view of your reality in Christ as it is described in the doctrine of justification by faith.

Life in the Aftermath: Embracing Weakness
The past for many women includes hard, life-changing experiences. Life in the aftermath can leave them feeling that they are less than they once were. This workshop will explore God’s purposeful and loving use of these experiences to show His power and love.