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Love is a Choice, an Action, and an Affection
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Abigail: A Woman Who Wisely Handled a Family Crisis

I am not my Love Language
” This workshop will explore the idea of “Love Languages” and how they should be...

I am a Ministry Wife
” Women married to men in ministry face physical and spiritual challenges. These...

I am Dating the Wrong Guy
” How do you know who is the right guy and who is the wrong guy? Join us as we think...

CDC2-21. The Divine Design for Marriage
Marriage is a stage designed to show forth the realities of the gospel. This seminar will set forth the biblical vision of marriage and give practical counsel of how we can reorient our hearts and actions so our marriages better reflect the profound realities they illustrate.

CDC2-24. Keys to Preserving and Strengthening Your Marriage
Marriage requires lifelong maintenance to keep it healthy and strong. It takes a lot of effort to guard and grow your marriage but the reward is more than worth it. This session will discuss many practical ways to preserve and strengthen your marriage.

CDC2-23. Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles 2
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the relationship of Christ with his church. This session will focus on the role of the wife in marriage.

CDC2-22. Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles 1
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the relationship of Christ with his church. This session will focus on the role of the husband in marriage.

Rebuilding a Marriage After an Affair part 2
In this two-part audio series, Wayne Mack discusses principles for recovering from an affair. He begins by discussing the nature of marriage and its relationship to Christianity as ‘heart’ religion. Wayne Mack also articulates how to properly confess an adulterous sin to a spouse. He then finishes by discussing 12 steps for rebuilding the marriage.

Rebuilding a Marriage After an Affair part 1
In this two-part audio series, Wayne Mack discusses principles for recovering from an affair. He begins by discussing the nature of marriage and its relationship to Christianity as ‘heart’ religion. Wayne Mack also articulates how to properly confess an adulterous sin to a spouse. He then finishes by discussing 12 steps for rebuilding the marriage.

The Impact of Abuse on Children
The church and church leaders have a biblical responsibility toward the vulnerable and children. In this session author Chris Moles will discuss both social and theological considerations of the impact of domestic violence on children.

Victim Care
In this session author Chris Moles will teach how to give real help, hope and healing to victims of domestic abuse.

020 Counseling Cases of Domestic Abuse
To close out season 2 of the Care & Discipleship Podcast, Craig Marshall sat down with Jim Newheiser (Director of Biblical Counseling at RTS Charlotte) and Tom Maxham (pastor of Grace Bible Church, Escondido and staff counselor at IBCD) to discuss the tenuous situation of dealing with domestic abuse when counseling a couple. This episode is a response to a listener question and addresses a very relevant issue in the church today. The counselors discuss how to respond not only to physical abuse but also how to think through verbal and emotional abuse. They detail the various ways in which churches tend to make mistakes regarding verbal and emotional abuse and articulate a proper response. They also engage with the book The Heart of Domestic Abuse written by Chris Moles who will be speaking on the issue at the 2017 Summer Institute and Pre-Conference.

Longing for Relationships
We have all been created within the context of relationship: relationships with one another and relationship with God. But sin entered our world, damaging and even breaking relationships. The goal of this workshop is putting our relationships back into proper perspective.

Bringing Healing to Marriages Broken by Sexual Sin
Sexual sin has a devastating impact on a marriage, but the gospel offers hope. This session showcases how God works through His Word and His Spirit to change hearts empowering repentance, forgiveness and transformation.

Friendship on Fire: The Song of Songs on Marriage
What is love and what does love have to do with marriage? Just as no one has the power to bless and encourage you like your spouse, no one else can provoke and hurt you deeply like they can. This session explores the concepts of love and marriage as described in Song of Songs.

Male Leadership in a Genderless World
A real Adam, a real Eve and a real garden give the paradigm for godly male leadership. This workshop goes back to the beginning to point you to a Christ-like manhood, teach leadership without oppression and discuss implications for counseling.

Language That Transforms
Are you or your counselee stuck in frustrating and sinful communication patterns? How can you honor God in your communication? This workshop teaches the Communication Skills Wheel as a method for accurate and purposeful communication that builds up both individuals.

Lifting The Veil
Discovering and dealing with a spouse’s same-sex attraction can bring much grief and emotional devastation. But there is grace for the journey. This session discusses typical relational indicators when a spouse is hiding same-sex attraction and what to do when it comes to light.

Peacemaking For Families
The family is a hotbed for conflict. It is also the primary arena in which we can learn and practice peacemaking. This session focuses on making your marriage one of the safest places in the world and making peace with children.

Counseling Those Who Have Lost a Spouse or Child
The loss of a spouse or a child is one of the most difficult trials to face in this life. This session discusses the three seasons commonly experienced by someone in the wake of this kind of crisis and how to help build hope, build perspective and bring comfort.

Helping People through Romantic Breakups
The intense emotions following a romantic breakup can bring temptation to sin. This workshop discusses many of the common emotions provoked by the ending of a relationship and seeks to identify the heart issues and sinful patterns associated with them.

Helping Husbands Lead Wives Who Are Reluctant to Follow
How can husbands lead if their wives don’t want to follow? In this session Lou Priolo, author of The Complete Husband, gives 8 guidelines for helping husbands understand the nature and scope of their biblical authority and how to lovingly lead a reluctant wife.

Counseling in Situations of Separation Divorce and Remarriage
God’s design is for marriage to be a lifelong covenant of companionship between one man and one woman but many marriages fall short of this ideal. This session seeks to offer wisdom to counselors working tough questions about separation, divorce and remarriage.

Singleness, Dating, and Courtship
What is the best approach to finding a marriage partner? What is the nature and purpose of courtship? What if I am single and lonely? This session answers many questions for those who are considering marriage or want to know how to prepare for marriage in the future.

When Sinners Say ‘I Do’: Sin
Sometime after saying I do, most people begin to realize they have married a sinner. This session will discuss how an honest examination of our own sin will help us to come alongside our spouse as a fellow sinner rather than stand over them as judge.

Parenting in Weakness
Few things in life display our own shortcomings and weaknesses as much as the endeavor of parenting. This session will discuss how these weaknesses point up our own need for the gospel and drive us to dependence on God as we parent our children.

The Quest for Contentment
How do you respond when you face incomplete goals or unfulfilled dreams in your life? How can you say with Paul that you have “learned in whatever situation … to be content?” This session will teach us to pursue contentment through Christ who strengthens us.

When Sinners Say ‘I Do’: Mercy
Sometime after saying I do, most people begin to realize they have married a sinner. This session will discuss how meditation on God’s rich mercy towards us when we were dead in our transgressions and sins will empower us to extend mercy to a sinful spouse.

Data-Gathering: 40 Questions for Sexual Problems
40 questions for counselors to ask when working with a counselee who struggles sexual problems. This could also be given as homework to be filled out by the counselee.

Self-Sacrificing Love
A handout detailing 20 aspects of the self-sacrificing love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The negative, positive and extra aspects of such love are detailed in rich description.

Respecting Your Husband…
A 12-question quiz for wives to examine whether their actions communicate respect or disrespect to their husbands. Each question includes the biblical basis for self-reflection.

50 Questions to Ask Your Wife
A list of 50 questions for husbands to ask their wives. These questions will help them grow in understanding of the woman God has given them and how they can love and serve her better.

Computer Purity Covenant
A contract of 11 affirmations and vows to be made by a person before God and man to maintain purity when engaged with computer usage.

Built to Last: The Greatest Risk You’ll Ever Take – Marriage Homework
A great assignment for improving or strengthening a marriage. Seven reflections questions for each spouse to work through and then discuss over a dinner date.

Is Your Repentance Genuine?
This worksheet highlights the characteristics of worldly sorrow in contrast to godly sorrow. Help the counselee examine his life and seek by God’s help to move from being characterized by the top part of the list (worldly sorrow) to the bottom part of the list (godly sorrow).

Business Travel Plan for Avoiding Sexual Temptation
A handout of practical steps to take for anyone wanting to proactively plan to avoid situations of sexual temptation while traveling without their spouse.

Unfaithfulness Assignment
A handout of reading and reflection assignments for anyone seeking to rebuild their marriage after an affair. This includes specific exercises for both the offending and the offended parties.

Submission… What is it?
A handout describing the characteristics of biblical submission: what it is not and what it is. This is adapted from The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace.

Marry Wisely, Marry Well part 2
How can biblical principles guide you in preparing your heart for marriage and making a wise choice in who to marry? This two-part session is perfect both for those considering a relationship and those who disciple others in relationship choices (parents, pastors, counselors).

Marry Wisely, Marry Well part 1
How can biblical principles guide you in preparing your heart for marriage and making a wise choice in who to marry? This two-part session is perfect both for those considering a relationship and those who disciple others in relationship choices (parents, pastors, counselors).

Helping Women Who Are Married But Lonely
Many married women feel alone and isolated from their spouse. How can we help women who find themselves in this situation? What does the Bible have to say about the intimacy we should have in marriage, and what should we do when we find our expectations are not being met?

Caring in Cases of Adultery
Adultery is something that many of us will have to deal with in one way or another in the church. The gospel gives great hope in these difficult situations. The goal of this workshop is to help equip you to bring that hope to those who have felt the pain of a broken covenant.

Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles part 2
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the relationship of Christ with his church. This session will focus on the role of the wife in marriage.

Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles part 1
The gospel of grace needs to be at the heart of how we understand marriage roles. Both husband and wife have a unique part to play that shows forth the relationship of Christ with his church. This session will focus on the role of the husband in marriage.

The God-centeredness of Affirmation
If I praise others won’t it just make them prideful? Is there a way that praising others can actually build them up to become more Christlike? This session gives biblical warrant for God-centered praise of those who are not God.

Keys to Preserving and Strengthening Your Marriage
Marriage requires lifelong maintenance to keep it healthy and strong. It takes a lot of effort to guard and grow your marriage but the reward is more than worth it. This session will discuss many practical ways to preserve and strengthen your marriage.

Affirmation: The Problem and Opportunity for Every Person
Why is it important to practice affirmation? How can this radically change our relationships for the better? This session will discuss the pervasive, universal, non-optional mechanism that God has wired into the universe.

The Divine Design for Marriage
Marriage is a stage designed to show forth the realities of the gospel. This seminar will set forth the biblical vision of marriage and give practical counsel of how we can reorient our hearts and actions so our marriages better reflect the profound realities they illustrate.

From Idol to Blessing 1
What does the Bible have to say about sex? Through this two-part message you will learn how the grace of God in the gospel powerfully changes how we view our own sexuality and gives us the power to once again put this blessing in its proper place.

Helping People Get Good at Affirmation
It is so much easier to be critical of others than to affirm them. Even when we want to build others up we often find ourselves tearing them down instead. This session will discuss how to help people grow in their ability to affirm others well.

Practical Applications of Affirmation
What are some practical ways that you can begin to apply the principles of God-centered affirmation to your relationships? This session will help you to move beyond good intentions to actually cultivating joyful, healthy relational patterns.

From Idol to Blessing Q&A
What does the Bible have to say about sex? Many people have unanswered questions about this aspect of life. In this Question and Answer session you will hear a panel of counselors discussing biblical answers to common questions Christians have about sex.

From Idol to Blessing 2
What does the Bible have to say about sex? Through this 2-part message you will learn how the grace of God in the gospel powerfully changes how we view our own sexuality and gives us the power to once again put this blessing in its proper place.