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Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
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Do we get our view of spiritual warfare from the Devil or from the Scriptures themselves? In this session, David Powlison continues his review of three key questions: How does the holy Creator and Sustainer of the universe relate to evil creatures? How does the...
Spiritual warfare does not need to cause anxiety. Instead it is a doctrine of comfort. The devil is a creature like humans, who is dependent upon the living God for his very existence. So how does the holy Creator and Sustainer of the universe relate to evil...
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Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
Looking for the notes to this session? Download them here!
” Women married to men in ministry face physical and spiritual challenges. These...
” How does identity in Christ transform a person struggling with addictions? This worship...
” How do we help a single man struggling with pornography? Join us as we think about...
” This workshop explores the Biblical basis for gender and how that impacts identity....
” In this workshop, we will seek out the biblical response to those that define...
” Has your call to ministry become idolatrous? Has ministry become your chief identity?...
” This workshop will teach you how to identify the idols that are hidden in your heart...
” How do you know who is the right guy and who is the wrong guy? Join us as we think...
” The sin of “being wise in one’s own eyes” is easy to see in others, yet difficult to...
” This workshop explores the concept that all believers have a calling fromGod and that...
” ” This workshop considers the supremacy of finding one’s identity in Christ rather...
” Life in a fallen world involves many forms of suffering, including medical diseases,...
” This session considers how a Christian is uniquely called to live out Grandparenthood....
” Self-hate is a subterranean problem, usually buried deep under layers of relational...
” How should I think and feel about myself if my counselees reject what I have been...
” This workshop reviews how to help counselee’s find their identity in Christ rather...
” This workshop explores one of the key concepts of the Protestant Reformation that is...
” Issues of identity are some of the most difficult and painful questions facing...
” This workshop will help those who have been diagnosed with PTSD and those who counsel...
” For many of us in ministry, our ministry becomes our life. There is something beautiful...
” This workshop will explore the idea of “Love Languages” and how they should be...
” Where do psychological labels come from and how is a treatment plan developed? How...
” From Bible times until now we see examples of those who live to keep others happy. Some...
In a high-tempo, status-seeking, achievement-driven, celebrity-worshiping world how are...
How does ethnicity and culture play into our identity? Download MP3 Audio | Download...
” This workshop considers how to balance past military experience and identity in Christ....
When counseling, responses can vary widely. What do we do when people don’t take our counsel? Craig and Jim sit down to discuss a listener question about this personal aspect of the counseling process.
Why bother with the history of the biblical counseling movement? Because the battle over the Bible still rages. This session shows how an understanding of history will help preserve and protect the biblical counseling movement from error.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s attempt to redefine the institute of marriage has intensified the cultural chaos. This workshop will help pastors and biblical counselors understand the rapidly changing legal landscape so they can effectively minister God’s truth to a broken world.
You, your counseling center and your counselees will face tribulation. As cultural animosity towards Christians increases this could come in the form of legal issues. This workshop gives an overview of legal considerations pertinent to biblical counselors and counseling centers.
Food and fitness idolatry are big issues in our culture. How can those stuck in sinful patterns change? This session discusses the unique change that is sought by Christians as they make it their aim not to please or impress people but to glorify God in their body.
The light of God’s face must illuminate the darkness of the hoarding heart and house. This session will teach you how to address the reality of hoarding and its problems with confidence in God, His word and His body.
This session discusses the issue of “scarfing” or erotic asphyxiation. Dr. George Scipione looks at the Scriptures to define and diagnose this issue and then develop direction in overcoming it.
Desire, which the Scripture also calls lust and covetousness, is an enemy of contentment and peace. This session will give you tools for identifying and dismantling the objects of your desire that run contrary to peace.
A traumatic crisis is overwhelming, life-dominating and life-changing. This session will define critical incident stress and its phases, discuss its relation to PTSD and help you to apply the Scriptures to those struggling with stress from a traumatic event.
The living know they must die, but why must they die? What do people facing death fear? This session takes a comprehensive look at what the Scriptures have to say about death and discusses how to offer comfort to those for whom death is imminent.
The First Amendment provides important protection to biblical counselors who live in a culture where lawsuits are legion. This workshop covers general legal principles for those who are seeking to honor God by faithfully counseling from the Scriptures.
The loss of a spouse or a child is one of the most difficult trials to face in this life. This session discusses the three seasons commonly experienced by someone in the wake of this kind of crisis and how to help build hope, build perspective and bring comfort.
The intense emotions following a romantic breakup can bring temptation to sin. This workshop discusses many of the common emotions provoked by the ending of a relationship and seeks to identify the heart issues and sinful patterns associated with them.
What is manipulation and how can we help those who manipulate others? This session will teach you how to help manipulators identify their sinful patterns, evaluate their thoughts and motives biblically and begin to develop the mindset of a servant.
Some people are addicted to the approval of others. This session will give criteria to help diagnose the spiritual disorder of man pleasing and teach you how to help counselees dethrone the idol of approval.
Do you have unanswered questions about tough issues in counseling? In this workshop ACBC fellow George Scipione holds a Q&A for any questions people may have related to biblical counseling.
Crisis can be an opportunity for evangelism and discipleship. But how do we get from the presenting problem to the gospel? This session seeks to help biblical counselors work towards lasting change in their counselees by applying the whole gospel to the whole man.
God’s design is for marriage to be a lifelong covenant of companionship between one man and one woman but many marriages fall short of this ideal. This session seeks to offer wisdom to counselors working tough questions about separation, divorce and remarriage.
What is the best approach to finding a marriage partner? What is the nature and purpose of courtship? What if I am single and lonely? This session answers many questions for those who are considering marriage or want to know how to prepare for marriage in the future.
This is a Q&A Roundtable with our Keynote Speakers from the 2015 Summer Institute: Heath Lambert, Jim Newheiser, Voddie Baucham and Brian Borgman.
This is a roundtable discussion on various topics by our keynote speakers from Summer Institute 2014.