Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Helping Women Who Have Had Abortions

Additional Resources Living In His Forgiveness: A Bible Study for Post-Abortive Women {Book} Living In His Forgiveness – Leader Guide {Book} Milestones of Human Life & Post Abortive Syndrome {Handout} How Do I Know Where I Need Healing {Handout} ‘If...
Happy Father’s Day from IBCD

Happy Father’s Day from IBCD

Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 18. We wanted to remind our supporters that if you do your shopping at, Amazon will donate to IBCD. Simple click the address above to access Amazon through IBCD’s unique charity link. We also wanted to...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

024 Q & A on Demons

For more information regarding this and other episodes in the series please visit The Care and Discipleship Podcast page. Related Links: Listen to Power Encounters pt 1 Listen to Power Encounters pt 2 Listen to Counseling & Spiritual Warfare Read Spiritual Warfare...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Be Slow To Speak

It has been my privilege to participate in the training of biblical counselors for the past twenty years.  Many students enthusiastically embrace biblical counseling theory in the classroom, but then have trouble when they practice counseling in fictitious role play...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Depression: What Is It?

To care well for those who are depressed we need a theology of sadness itself. The Bible reminds us of the wisdom of meditating on grief and how it is wise to be sad about sad things and foolish to be shallowly mirthful. This session helps us all to learn how to weep...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

New Audios Now Available!

The first audio from the 2017 Ministry Weekend is now available! We will be releasing the others over the next week. Here’s how you can listen to a new audio every day. The IBCD Resource App Download It Now Open it Choose Ministry Weekend Audios Subscibe to the...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Help Translate Jeremy & Crystal

Muchos de ustedes nos han contactado respecto a la necesidad de recursos y capacitaciones de consejería bíblica en español. Estamos  gustosos de anunciar que finalmente tenemos una respuesta. La Fuente, una iglesia en Quito-Ecuador, esta dispuesta a realizar el...
A New Phase for the Newheisers

A New Phase for the Newheisers

Full swing – that term comes readily to mind to describe this new phase of life for IBCD’s Executive Director Jim Newheiser and his wife Caroline. For anyone who knows this couple it will come as little surprise that both of them are already knee-deep in...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Congregational Access Packages {CAP}

We are currently working on the release of our Supporting Church Program.  Due to the nature of the Supporting Church Program we are also redesigning the function and purpose of the Congregation Access Packages. These changes are necessary to provide the best user...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

CDC1-15. Depression {Transcript}

In this session, we’re going to talk about counselling depressed people. And, dealing with depression is one of the most common issues for which people come for counseling. It’s also something which many of us as counselors have dealt with personally in...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Imperfect Pastor Discount Form

Thank you for your interest in attending the 2017 Ministry Weekend.  Please fill out the form below and our staff will reach out to you with the discount code if you qualify.  For more information about the event please visit: The 2017 Ministry Weekend. [ninja_forms...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Podcast Question Submission Form

We appreciate all the feedback we receive from our audience. Your questions and comments may be used in upcoming podcast episodes. Please fill out the form to submit your question or comment. [ninja_forms id=1]  
Meet Jeremy & Crystal

Meet Jeremy & Crystal

  About “Jeremy & Crystal” Jeremy is a church-going, hardworking husband and father of four whose long-standing enslavement to pornography is tearing his family apart. His wife Crystal is threatening to move out following a recent incident in which their...
Meet Aaron & Ellie

Meet Aaron & Ellie

About “Aaron & Ellie” Aaron and Ellie have turned to biblical counseling on the heels of Aaron’s most recent manic episode which ended in his hospitalization. Aaron has had several such episodes over the years and this time Ellie feels that she is at her wit’s...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

012 Interview with Sam Allberry

Related Materials Learn more about Sam Allberry Listen to Sam’s talks from 2016 Summer Institute Read about The Bible and Same-Sex Attraction Visit the website Read Connected Living in the Light of the Trinity Read Is God Anti-Gay? Read James For...
Medicine and Biblical Sufficiency

Zondra Scott

Zondra, saved out of a non-Christian home and a former respiratory therapist, has been in full time Christian ministry with her husband Stuart for 35 years. She has served the Lord, by His grace, as a pastor’s wife, counselor, teacher and musician. Zondra has had many...
3 Questions with Caroline Newheiser

3 Questions with Caroline Newheiser

What do you see as some of the key issues facing women counselees today? A number of issues come to mind. So many women come to the counseling office with poor theology and a lack of familiarity with the Bible. There is nothing more important than knowing God (Jn...
How Can Your Church Help?

How Can Your Church Help?

In three weeks, our 2016 Summer Institute “Disordered Desires” will kick off and we’ll be tackling some of the most pressing questions of our time here in San Diego. As cultural attitudes on sex and marriage continue to shift, the church has a...
From the Directors (April 2016)

From the Directors (April 2016)

2016 is already proving to be a year of exciting transition and growth! After months of work we were able to launch our new website which works better with mobile devices, gives us more control of our content, and will enable us to make and distribute helpful...