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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-21. The Divine Design for Marriage

Marriage is a stage designed to show forth the realities of the gospel. This seminar will set forth the biblical vision of marriage and give practical counsel of how we can reorient our hearts and actions so our marriages better reflect the profound realities they illustrate.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-18. Temptation 1 {Transcript}

This session looks at David’s catastrophic sin of adultery in 2 Sam 11:1-5. This passage shows that the Bible is honest about its heroes and serves as a warning to us against sin and presumption. How does David’s sin point us to Christ? What are some practical ways to guard ourselves from temptation?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-16. Worry/Anxiety {Transcript}

Worry is a problem of the mind and can become life dominating. Worry, stress, and fear are closely related and often dealt with sinfully. How can we help counselees think about their lives in light of biblical truth? How might someone misunderstand or abuse God’s promises to care for them?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-13. Grace When Things Are Hard {Transcript}

Trials are the ordinary experience of believers living in a fallen world. Believers in the Bible suffered great trials and we will continue to endure significant trials. Why do Christians tend to be so surprised by trials when the Bible speaks so often about them? How does God work in our trials and use them to mature us?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-12. Peacemaking 3 {Transcript}

This session completes the Peacemaking series of the curriculum. It lays out important things to consider before attempting to confront someone’s sin and describes the peacemaking process. Church discipline is also explored along with how church structure and membership is related to peacemaking.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-10. Peacemaking 1 {Transcript}

Biblical peacemaking is founded on the gospel. Christ came to make peace between God and man. All conflict is the result of sin. Conflict is very dangerous but brings great opportunity: to glorify God, to be more like Christ, to serve others, and to bear witness to a watching world.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-08. How Do People Change? 2 {Transcript}

We and our counselees are responsible to exert effort towards change. Immediately after telling us to consider our identity in Christ, Paul exhorts us to take action against the lusts of the flesh. What is the proper use of biblical indicatives and imperatives? What should our motive be for obedience?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-07. How Do People Change? 1 {Transcript}

Counseling is about helping people to change. The change biblical counselors seek is unique and unbiblical approaches to change will impede spiritual growth. This session explores how change begins by understanding and applying the Gospel. Understanding our union with Christ is the key to growth in holiness.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-17. Fear {Transcript}

The Bible says we are to fear God. Fear can also be an appropriate response to real potential dangers. Fear becomes sinful when we fear men more than God and we fail to trust God. What are some proper and healthy manifestations of fear? What are indications that fear has become sinful?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-15. Depression {Transcript}

What is depression and how are we to understand it? Many secular psychologists see mankind as merely physical and therefore tend to see depression as a physical problem with a chemical solution. Christians recognize the dual nature of mankind – body and soul. What are some important things for biblical counselors to keep in mind when handling cases of depression?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

Confessing our Way to Joy

The truest measure of a Christian and a Christian’s character is not determined by whether or not they fall but by what they do after they fall. This session explains how real confession, both to God and others, is the pathway back to joy for believers who have fallen into sin.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

Drawing Out Idols Of The Heart

There will be a life-long battle over faith in Jesus versus faith in idols. An important aspect of biblical counseling is to help counselees identify and engage in the battle that is raging in their own heart. This session teaches how to draw out and address idols of the heart.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

Getting To The Heart 2

Idolatry is misplaced worship and it can happen to anyone. It is not so much wanting the wrong thing, but even wanting good things too much. This second of a two part series will give you clues and diagnostic questions to help you track down idols of your own heart.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

Getting To The Heart 1

Why should I be concerned about idols of the heart? Because the Bible is! This first of a two part series examines the concept of idolatry, explains how even good things can become idols and shows the devastating spiritual ramifications of harboring idols of the heart.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

How to Comfort the Dying

The living know they must die, but why must they die? What do people facing death fear? This session takes a comprehensive look at what the Scriptures have to say about death and discusses how to offer comfort to those for whom death is imminent.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

Redemptive Church Discipline

Mutual accountability and discipline are God’s gifts and blessing to the church. This session explains the process of church discipline and discusses how to build a culture that values, understands and allows for this kind of accountability.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-36. Knowing God’s Will

God’s revelation in Scripture is complete. While every believer is called to seek God’s revealed moral will, some go beyond this and claim that God speaks to them. How does God guide us today? How are we to understand his will for our lives?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-35. You Never Stop Being a Parent: Parenting Your Adult Children

The goal of parenting is to make your children ready to live wisely on their own. Parents must recognize that their relationship with their adult child is very different from what it was when the child was small. One of the biggest mistakes made by Christian parents is to treat young adults as if they were still small children. How can parents foster healthy relationships with their adult children and pursue peace?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC Legacy 2-35. But My Child Is Different!

There are clearly special needs people in the Bible. Having a different child sometimes doesn’t feel like a blessing but God is sovereign over these difficult situations. In these cases, parents are often tempted to make excuses or be overprotecting, but they need to love the way Jesus loves. God chooses the weak, foolish, and despised and his grace is sufficient for us.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-33. Parenting is More Than a Formula 2

Those advocating formulas often assume a form of “parental determinism” – the (unbiblical) belief that how well you follow their formula determines how your kids turn out. Parents who depend on these can tend toward pharisaical pride, as if we can save our kids by our good works. Parenting is not about following an extra-biblical man-made formula; it is about the gospel.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-32. Parenting is More Than a Formula 1

Parents often look for a formula which will guarantee that their kids will turn out right. Many “Christian” approaches to parenting are legalistic. It is very important to distinguish between what Scripture commands versus one of many possible ways to fulfill our responsibilities to God. Some make their particular methodology “law”, while failing to acknowledge that other approaches are equally valid ways to fulfill biblical commands.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC Legacy 2-30. The Medicine Only Approach to Counseling

This session explores contrasting views of human nature (biblical vs. materialist) and explores a theology of pain and emotion. Medicine may be needed to control a few serious brain conditions, solve a crisis situation, or help a “stuck” counselee begin to move forward. But even those who take these medicines can learn better self control and habits of thought that will lead to greater emotional stability through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC Legacy 2-24. How to Change Your Wife

Christian men are called to love their wives unconditionally, as Chris loves the church. Christlike love is not merely a feeling. It is a commitment. Christ’s love is demonstrated on the Cross. What should a husband do if his wife is hard to love? What should he do if he doesn’t have loving feelings towards his wife?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC Legacy 2-23. How to Change Your Husband

God has designed marriage to be a partnership in which the wife follows her husband’s leadership. Many women suffer under the authority of sinful husbands. What if a husband won’t lead in a Christlike way? What does Peter mean by saying you should win your husband “without a word”?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-14. Anger/Abuse

Anger is a problem both in the world and in the church. Anger is very deceptive and dangerous. It is usually murderous by nature and leads to many other sins. What are some ways that people try to justify their anger? Where does anger come from? How do we go about uprooting anger from the heart?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-01. What is Biblical Counseling? 1

Psychology and theology both deal with the same fundamental issues of meaning and value. Many modern approaches have unscriptural presuppositions and practices. This opening session introduces biblical counseling and the importance of approaching these issues from a Christian perspective.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-03. What is Biblical Counseling? 3

How is the biblical counseling approach different from all other Christian approaches? What are some key texts for defending the sufficiency of the Scriptures for counseling? IBCD’s position of biblical counseling (the Bible as the sole and sufficient authority) is outlined and its key concepts explained.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-07. How Do People Change? 1

Counseling is about helping people to change. The change biblical counselors seek is unique and unbiblical approaches to change will impede spiritual growth. This session explores how change begins by understanding and applying the Gospel. Understanding our union with Christ is the key to growth in holiness.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-08. How Do People Change? 2

We and our counselees are responsible to exert effort towards change. Immediately after telling us to consider our identity in Christ, Paul exhorts us to take action against the lusts of the flesh. What is the proper use of biblical indicatives and imperatives? What should our motive be for obedience?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-10. Peacemaking 1

Biblical peacemaking is founded on the gospel. Christ came to make peace between God and man. All conflict is the result of sin. Conflict is very dangerous but brings great opportunity: to glorify God, to be more like Christ, to serve others, and to bear witness to a watching world.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-11. Peacemaking 2

As Christians, we ought to do all that is in our power to pursue peace. How can we seek forgiveness biblically? How does the gospel empower us to forgive? Why is it important to go though a thorough process of confession?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-12. Peacemaking 3

This session completes the Peacemaking series of the curriculum. It lays out important things to consider before attempting to confront someone’s sin and describes the peacemaking process. Church discipline is also explored along with how church structure and membership is related to peacemaking.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-13. Grace When Things Are Hard

Trials are the ordinary experience of believers living in a fallen world. Believers in the Bible suffered great trials and we will continue to endure significant trials. Why do Christians tend to be so surprised by trials when the Bible speaks so often about them? How does God work in our trials and use them to mature us?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-15. Depression

What is depression and how are we to understand it? Many secular psychologists see mankind as merely physical and therefore tend to see depression as a physical problem with a chemical solution. Christians recognize the dual nature of mankind – body and soul. What are some important things for biblical counselors to keep in mind when handling cases of depression?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-16. Worry/Anxiety

Worry is a problem of the mind and can become life dominating. Worry, stress, and fear are closely related and often dealt with sinfully. How can we help counselees think about their lives in light of biblical truth? How might someone misunderstand or abuse God’s promises to care for them?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-17. Fear

The Bible says we are to fear God. Fear can also be an appropriate response to real potential dangers. Fear becomes sinful when we fear men more than God and we fail to trust God. What are some proper and healthy manifestations of fear? What are indications that fear has become sinful?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-18. Temptation 1

This session looks at David’s catastrophic sin of adultery in 2 Sam 11:1-5. This passage shows that the Bible is honest about its heroes and serves as a warning to us against sin and presumption. How does David’s sin point us to Christ? What are some practical ways to guard ourselves from temptation?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-19. Temptation 2

What is the difference for an unbeliever and a believer who are confronted with temptation? How is idolatry connected with temptation? This session walks through some specific issues involved with temptation such as substance abuse. How can a drunkard or an addict find help to overcome his sin?

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC1-20. Understanding the Influences of Nature and Nurture

To what extent does our body (nature) and relationships (nurture) affect our hearts? We are embodied creatures. However, both our inner and outer person have been affected by the fall. While we reject both genetic determinism and social determinism, we recognize that the Bible teaches that both body and social environment influence the inner person.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-28. From Idol to Blessing 2

How can we make our sexual relationships in marriage all that they should be? We need to think about our marriage and sex lives through a gospel lens. Gracious sex gives to your spouse freely, just as God has given to you – treating him/her better than he/she deserves.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

CDC2-27. From Idol to Blessing 1

God created sex to be a blessing. It is part of God’s perfect and holy creation but is often twisted sinfully. Idolatry, more than adultery, is the key to understanding sexual sin. Even something which is good can become sinfully idolatrous when we desire it more than we desire God, are willing to sin in order to get it, or react sinfully when we don’t get what we want.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

The Necessity of Prayer in Counseling

Effective counseling involves spiritual warfare. This is why it must be a matter of prayer. In this session  Voddie Baucham shares some personal counseling experiences  to encourage counselors to remember the importance of prayer in counseling.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

The Necessity of Biblical Counseling

All people face troubles in life. The Bible is a book that is shockingly honest  about these troubles. This session unpacks the reasons why biblical counseling is really the only true answer to walking with people through seasons of serious trouble.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

Having Biblical Expectations in Counseling

Biblical counseling is really about sanctification and growth in the Christian life. How much transformation can we expect? This session will use the New Testament pattern of the already and the not yet to help frame our expectations in counseling. 

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

The Necessity of the Church in Counseling

Biblical counseling is necessary for the church and the church is necessary for biblical counseling. This session will define what is meant by “counseling” in the context of the local church and discuss how helping hurting, needy people is at the heart of her calling.

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CDC1-04. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 1 {Transcript}

What is Biblical Counseling? Part 1

Psychology and theology both deal with the fundamental issues of meaning and value. Many modern approaches have unscriptural presuppositions and practices. This workshop introduces biblical counseling and the importance of approaching these issues from a Christian perspective.

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