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I am a Porn Struggler
” How do we help a single man struggling with pornography? Join us as we think about...

You are Your Gender
” This workshop explores the Biblical basis for gender and how that impacts identity....

Defined by my Sexuality
” In this workshop, we will seek out the biblical response to those that define...

5 Resources for Helping Sexual Abuse Victims
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are virtually overwhelmed with the hashtag #metoo, identifying people who have suffered at the hands of an abuser.As each high profile case hits the headlines, our hearts are burdened by the victim’s suffering and we long to help. Over the years, IBCD has invited pastors and counselors to share with us how to speak the truth of God’s love tenderly to those who have been abused. The Word of God is a powerful comfort that rescues the weak and needy (Ps 82:1-4). We want you to know that these solid, biblical resources are now located together in one place and can be easily accessed as you seek to minister the love of God.

Talking to Teenagers About Sex
It is uncomfortable but it needs to be said, the Bible talks a lot about sex, and so should the church. This session gives some helpful guidelines for how to talk with teenagers about sex and sexuality in the context of the church.

Sexual Identity and the Bible
We live in a world that is confused and confusing on the issue of sexual identity. The truth is we really don’t know our true identity until we know Christ. This session discusses the need for, the components and the goodness of a biblical understanding of sexual identity

Protecting Your Church from Sexual Predators
Sexual predators often look upon churches as soft targets for their evil acts. This workshop teaches church leaders and parents the need to implement proven policies and practices that will help keep our children safe.

The Hypersexualization of Children and Youth
Ever wonder how to respond to the hypersexualized messages our children are consuming? This workshop gives very practical applications of gospel promises and gospel warnings to our preteens and teens.

David and Bathsheba: Counseling and Teaching from Old Testament Narratives
Adultery and abuse are unfortunately all too common in the counseling office. This session teaches how to use Biblical narratives to encourage counselees to connect their story with the larger story of God’s work in the world, to provide hope and to point them towards Christ.

Bringing Healing to Marriages Broken by Sexual Sin
Sexual sin has a devastating impact on a marriage, but the gospel offers hope. This session showcases how God works through His Word and His Spirit to change hearts empowering repentance, forgiveness and transformation.

Friendship on Fire: The Song of Songs on Marriage
What is love and what does love have to do with marriage? Just as no one has the power to bless and encourage you like your spouse, no one else can provoke and hurt you deeply like they can. This session explores the concepts of love and marriage as described in Song of Songs.

Lies That Fuel Disordered Sexual Desires
Behind sexual sins and temptations are often subtle but distorted views of ourselves, the nature of sex, and the character of God. This workshop examines some of these lies and shows how the gospel breaks through them to reveal that the truth is better than we may think.

A Battle Plan for Fighting Pornography
Many believers are losing the battle to pornography because they aren’t fighting with a biblical plan. This workshop outlines a clear strategy for battling pornography with the sufficient resources found in the Person of Christ and the Word of God.

How Grace Empowers Us to Overcome Sexual Idolatry
Disordered sexual desires are ultimately a problem of worship. We seek ultimate satisfaction from earthly things, which become our idols. This session shows how the gospel forgives our idolatries and adulteries and transforms us into worshipers whose greatest delight is in God.
Audio note: Due to some technical difficulties the first 20 minutes of this audio recording is poor quality. We are looking into ways make this content available with a better quality recording.

Lifting The Veil
Discovering and dealing with a spouse’s same-sex attraction can bring much grief and emotional devastation. But there is grace for the journey. This session discusses typical relational indicators when a spouse is hiding same-sex attraction and what to do when it comes to light.

Counseling A Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused
God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling children who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy little ones.

Counseling Sexual Abuse Survivors
God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling those who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy people.

Helping Abuse Survivors Trust Christ
There are many categories of abuse and the gospel speaks truth to them all. This session will identify common temptations that abuse victims face and teach you to help them learn to combat these by looking to God and His resources.

Counseling Rape Survivors
Those who have been through sexual assault need understanding and help. This session will give an overview of the typical phases that can be expected after a sexual assault as well as address many common beliefs that survivors struggle with and how to help and comfort them.

Sexual Purity In Men 2
There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.

Sexual Purity In Men 1
There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.

Counseling Men Struggling with Sexual Sin
Sexual sin is one of the most common and deadly life-dominating sins. This workshop will help you to engage the heart of your counselee, exposit the word appropriately and apply it specifically as you seek to help him in his battle against sexual sin.

Data-Gathering: 40 Questions for Sexual Problems
40 questions for counselors to ask when working with a counselee who struggles sexual problems. This could also be given as homework to be filled out by the counselee.

Is Masturbation a Sin?
A brief article discussing several biblical principles for understanding how to think about this facet of sexuality.

Computer Purity Covenant
A contract of 11 affirmations and vows to be made by a person before God and man to maintain purity when engaged with computer usage.

Business Travel Plan for Avoiding Sexual Temptation
A handout of practical steps to take for anyone wanting to proactively plan to avoid situations of sexual temptation while traveling without their spouse.

Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography
Pornography is pervasive in today’s world. It destroys marriages and leaves users with a warped view of sexuality. Sadly, many Christians are trapped by its power. This workshop will show how the grace of Jesus enables someone to break out of the deceitful web of pornography.

Listening and Ministering to Sexual Issues
There are numerous similarities between a number of different sexual struggles, and the gospel offers hope and help in the midst of each of them. In this workshop we will focus on equipping you to minister to those who struggle in these areas.

From Idol to Blessing 1
What does the Bible have to say about sex? Through this two-part message you will learn how the grace of God in the gospel powerfully changes how we view our own sexuality and gives us the power to once again put this blessing in its proper place.

Grace Sex
What does grace have to do with sex? In this workshop, for women only, you will learn how the grace God has given in Christ can and should overflow into a gracious and healthy physical relationship between husband and wife.

From Idol to Blessing Q&A
What does the Bible have to say about sex? Many people have unanswered questions about this aspect of life. In this Question and Answer session you will hear a panel of counselors discussing biblical answers to common questions Christians have about sex.

Graceless Sex
How can sex be graceless? This workshop, for women only, will explore the sinful attitudes and actions that many women fall in to, that can stifle or even completely kill the physical relationship between husband and wife.

The Pain of Porn
Our sex-saturated culture has taken sexuality from a blessing given by God and made it into an idol to be worshipped and distorted. This workshop will examine the rampant destruction left in the path of pornography and the hope the gospel offers to strugglers.

Coming Out of Homosexuality: Clarity & Compassion for the Struggler
Christians need both clarity on what the Bible says about homosexuality and compassion towards those caught in this sin. This workshop will offer help and hope for those coming out of homosexuality and those seeking to minister to them.

From Idol to Blessing 2
What does the Bible have to say about sex? Through this 2-part message you will learn how the grace of God in the gospel powerfully changes how we view our own sexuality and gives us the power to once again put this blessing in its proper place.

Learning from King David’s Failure
We were shocked last week when we heard that Charles had been caught in a pattern of adultery and deceit and had been removed from office. How could such a thing happen to a man who seemed to have it all together, who had successfully passed through the temptations of his younger years, who seemed to have everything a minister could want? Does this mean that his entire ministry had been a lie? Are the books, articles and tapes he produced worthless? Or did something happen to take a man who had been qualified and used of God and ruin him?