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Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling A Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused

God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling children who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy little ones.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Sexual Abuse Survivors

God can make you equal to the task of helping sexual abuse survivors. This session will cover various key aspects of counseling those who have been sexually abused and encourage you to trust God for wisdom, and look to Him for the strength to help these needy people.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Rape Survivors

Those who have been through sexual assault need understanding and help. This session will give an overview of the typical phases that can be expected after a sexual assault as well as address many common beliefs that survivors struggle with and how to help and comfort them.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Helping Abuse Survivors Trust Christ

There are many categories of abuse and the gospel speaks truth to them all. This session will identify common temptations that abuse victims face and teach you to help them learn to combat these by looking to God and His resources. 

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Abiding In Christ

How do we abide in Christ? What does it look like? How does it relate to maintaining a passion for him? This session examines what it means in John 15:1-11 when Jesus says that He is the vine and we are the branches.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Help for Hoarders

The light of God’s face must illuminate the darkness of the hoarding heart and house. This session will teach you how to address the reality of hoarding and its problems with confidence in God, His word and His body.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Parenting Your Young Adult Children 1

You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood but you never stop being a parent! This session discusses how to handle many of the unique challenges that arise for parents of young adult children.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Parenting Your Young Adult Children 2

You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood but you never stop being a parent! This session discusses how to handle many of the unique challenges that arise for parents of young adult children.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Dealing With Suicide: Prevention And Intervention

The word ‘suicide’ is a dreadful expression. People wince at the sound of it and avoid using it to describe the tragic death it implies. This session takes a needed look at what suicide is and how to respond to it, as well as keys to prevention and intervention.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Repentance – Don’t Counsel Without It

True repentance is essential for God-honoring change. This session will consider the Biblical data on repentance, draw some conclusions about the significance of this data for counseling and make concrete application for assignments in counseling.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Dealing with Suicide

The word ‘suicide’ is a dreadful expression. People wince at the sound of it and avoid using it to describe the tragic death it implies. This session takes a needed look at what suicide is and how to respond to it, as well as keys to prevention and intervention.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

How to Comfort the Dying

The living know they must die, but why must they die? What do people facing death fear? This session takes a comprehensive look at what the Scriptures have to say about death and discusses how to offer comfort to those for whom death is imminent.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

When is it Sinful to Keep the Peace?

Peace is something to be worked for and towards but there are a number of scenarios where this is impossible or even sinful. This session unpacks five major areas where people may be inclined to “keep the peace” when they should speak out.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Joseph The Peacemaker

Joseph’s treatment of his brothers in Genesis 45 provides an excellent model of biblical peacemaking and reconciliation. This session looks at what we can learn from Joseph’s example to help us in our own efforts toward peacemaking.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Practical Mediation Skills

Biblical mediation skills can be applied in every life setting to help others resolve conflict. This session takes a detailed look at the primary and secondary roles of a reconciler and foundational skills needed for building a peacemaking team.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Redemptive Church Discipline

Mutual accountability and discipline are God’s gifts and blessing to the church. This session explains the process of church discipline and discusses how to build a culture that values, understands and allows for this kind of accountability.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

A Biblical Theology Of Peacemaking

How can you prepare people to live out the gospel in the conflicts of daily life? In these three sessions Ken Sande develops a vision for building a culture of peace in the local church. This is part 2.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Peacemaking For Families

The family is a hotbed for conflict. It is also the primary arena in which we can learn and practice peacemaking. This session focuses on making your marriage one of the safest places in the world and making peace with children.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Nouthetic Gentleness

Biblical counselors face different situations that call for balanced skillful finesse. Paul gives clear instruction on gentleness to all “men of God.” This session discusses the mandate in Scripture to counsel and correct with gentleness.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Sexual Purity In Men 1

There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Sexual Purity In Men 2

There is a desperate need for men to live and think biblically when it comes to their sexuality. This two-part session discusses a biblical view of sexual purity for men including God’s view of sexuality, God’s view of sexual perversity and God’s view of sexual purity.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling from Job 1

The book of Job is a powerful story of human suffering within the context of both demonic and divine interventions. It should be given serious attention as we seek to help Christians persevere under suffering. Part 1 focuses on the words and actions of Job and his 3 friends.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling from Job 2

The book of Job is a powerful story of human suffering within the context of both demonic and divine interventions. It should be given serious attention as we seek to help Christians persevere under suffering. Part 2 focuses on the words and actions of Elihu and the Lord.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Legal Issues in Counseling

The First Amendment provides important protection to biblical counselors who live in a culture where lawsuits are legion. This workshop covers general legal principles for those who are seeking to honor God by faithfully counseling from the Scriptures.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Those Who Have Lost a Spouse or Child

The loss of a spouse or a child is one of the most difficult trials to face in this life. This session discusses the three seasons commonly experienced by someone in the wake of this kind of crisis and how to help build hope, build perspective and bring comfort.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

When Hope Hurts

How is it that hope can hurt? This session presents a picture of biblical hope, explains why this hope can actually cause pain to a counselee and discusses what to do when we find that hope is hurting.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Angry People

How can you help people whose anger is out of control? This session will focus on helping people distinguish between sinful and righteous anger and teaching them how to think and exercise self-control during times of provocation.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Manipulators

What is manipulation and how can we help those who manipulate others? This session will teach you how to help manipulators identify their sinful patterns, evaluate their thoughts and motives biblically and begin to develop the mindset of a servant.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Parents Who Provoke

The Bible instructs parents not to provoke their children to anger, but many parents violate this instruction without realizing it. This session explains common ways that parents provoke their children to anger and gives a suggested counseling agenda for these situations.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling People Pleasers

Some people are addicted to the approval of others. This session will give criteria to help diagnose the spiritual disorder of man pleasing and teach you how to help counselees dethrone the idol of approval.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Helping People through Romantic Breakups

The intense emotions following a romantic breakup can bring temptation to sin. This workshop discusses many of the common emotions provoked by the ending of a relationship and seeks to identify the heart issues and sinful patterns associated with them.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Men Struggling with Sexual Sin

Sexual sin is one of the most common and deadly life-dominating sins. This workshop will help you to engage the heart of your counselee, exposit the word appropriately and apply it specifically as you seek to help him in his battle against sexual sin.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling the Hurting from 1 Peter

Suffering is a part of a sovereign saving God’s plan. This session gives an overview of suffering from God’s perspective as outlined in the book of 1 Peter. It also unpacks specific texts to use in counseling those who are facing and suffering injustice.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Ask the Counselor

Do you have unanswered questions about tough issues in counseling? In this workshop ACBC fellow George Scipione holds a Q&A for any questions people may have related to biblical counseling.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling the Terminally Ill

How can you help a terminally ill person face death with hope in Christ? This workshop discusses the need to speak the truth in love to the terminally ill for the purpose of building them up at the very time that their body or mind is wasting away.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Evangelism and Counseling

Crisis can be an opportunity for evangelism and discipleship. But how do we get from the presenting problem to the gospel? This session seeks to help biblical counselors work towards lasting change in their counselees by applying the whole gospel to the whole man.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Autism and Asperger Syndrome

Do biblical principles “work” with children on the autism spectrum? This workshop discusses special challenges that children on the autism spectrum face, gives instruction for patiently applying biblical principles and builds hope that God is at work in every circumstance.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Bipolar: Feeling Better than Good

Can we minister effectively to people diagnosed with bipolar disorder and their families? This session encourages biblical counselors that they don’t have to know everything about bipolar disorder to be able to help their counselees grow in sanctification.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave 1

Addictions are a worship disorder. Will we worship our own desires or will we worship the true God? This two-part seminar, based on Welch’s book, discusses the spiritual nature of addictions and the hope that is found in the power of the gospel.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Addictions A Banquet in the Grave 2

Addictions are a worship disorder. Will we worship our own desires or will we worship the true God? This two-part seminar, based on Welch’s book, discusses the spiritual nature of addictions and the hope that can be found in the power of the gospel.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Beautiful Words for Fearful People

Worry, anxiety and fear plague all of us at one time or another. On this side of the Fall fear seems to be etched into our nature. Yet God gives over 300 commands not to be afraid. This session examines the beautiful Words of Scripture that can bring peace to fearful people.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

The Role of Justification in Counseling

What flame can ignite motivation, what fuel can sustain hope that overpowers the pain of change? This session examines the powerful role of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone as the impetus for radical life change.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Parenting is More than a Formula 2

Parents are looking for a formula that guarantees their kids will turn out right. Is there anything that can ensure successful parenting? This two-part series examines pros and cons of common parenting formulas and emphasizes the need of God’s grace for both parents and children.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Parenting is More than a Formula 1

Parents are looking for a formula that guarantees their kids will turn out right. Is there anything that can ensure successful parenting? This two-part series examines pros and cons of common parenting formulas and emphasizes the need of God’s grace for both parents and children

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Dealing with Rebellion

How can parents prevent their kids from getting out of control? What should they do if their children rebel? What about children that are incorrigible? This session unpacks principles from Scripture to answer these questions.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Blame it on the Brain

Is it ever legitimate to blame misbehavior on the brain? The Bible teaches that we are embodied souls with hearts that can be sinful or obedient and bodies that can be strong or weak. This session seeks to distinguish genuine brain disorders from problems rooted in the heart.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

When People are Big and God is Small

Peer pressure, co-dependency, the fear of man: how can someone escape being overly concerned about what others think? This session shows how knowing the holiness of God and learning to fear Him is the only cure for the situations when people seem big and God seems small.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Blessed with a “Different” Child

Have you been blessed with a “different” child? In this session Dr. Laura Hendrickson shares her own experiences as a mother of a “different” child, discusses typical challenges and temptations and reminds us of the sufficient grace God gives in situations of weakness.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Attitudes of a Transformed Heart 1

The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Attitudes of a Transformed Heart 2

The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Biblical Forgiveness 2

What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness. 

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Biblical Forgiveness 3

What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness. 

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Blended Families 1

Dealing with blended family conflicts in counseling requires real biblical wisdom and discernment.  This two-part series discusses typical problems faced by step-families and gives hope and help for all parties involved.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Blended Families 2

Dealing with blended family conflicts in counseling requires real biblical wisdom and discernment.  This two-part series discusses typical problems faced by step-families and gives hope and help for all parties involved

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Biblical Forgiveness 1

What is a biblical understanding of forgiveness and how do I apply those concepts to my situation? This three part series clears up common misconceptions about forgiveness and stresses the importance of understanding and practicing a true biblical forgiveness. 

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Attitudes of a Transformed Heart 3

The attitudes and actions of a transformed heart flow out of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. This 3-part series covers what to teach your counselees regarding loving God and others, discusses biblical principles and provides practical application.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Depression and Anxiety

Emotional pain can be an opportunity when it calls attention to the fact that something is amiss with our hearts. This session explores several diagnostic questions to help determine the root cause of depression and anxiety and point us toward repentance and faith.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Mood Swings and How People Change

Hormones from things like PMS, Pregnancy and Menopause can leave women feeling like they are on a mood-swing merry-go-round. This session discusses how women can learn to manage their emotions during these challenging times in a way that honors God.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Singleness, Dating, and Courtship

What is the best approach to finding a marriage partner? What is the nature and purpose of courtship? What if I am single and lonely? This session answers many questions for those who are considering marriage or want to know how to prepare for marriage in the future.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

006 Interview with Danielle

Daelynn Romo is the wife and mother of three, an active church member and a friend of IBCD.  She is also the face of Danielle, a counselee in one of IBCD’s Observation Videos.  At the urging of her husband, Danielle comes to seek counsel from her pastor’s wife after an old struggle with an eating disorder re-emerges.  We asked Daelynn to talk with us about her experience and to share her own story.  This is part one of a two-part interview with Daelynn.  Stay tuned for part two on 5/20/16.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

005 Counseling in Cases of Adultery

Executive Director Jim Newheiser talks about key issues related to dealing with the aftermath of unfaithfulness including important data gathering questions, how to approach emotional affairs, what each spouse needs to hear most when adultery has taken place, and common pitfalls in helping these situations.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Paying attention to ADHD

Is ADHD a disease or an important difference? This session defines ADHD, explores various contributing factors and offers hope and help from the Scriptures for families struggling with raising a hyperactive child.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Thinking Biblically about OCD

How do we counsel individuals with OCD? What role does a disordered brain have in this process? How does knowing about pathology help the struggler? This session explores questions about OCD through the lens of Scripture.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

What’s Medical About Mental Illness?

Is mental illness due to sin or disease? This session discusses the controversy on this topic, discusses biblical definitions of illness and sin and offers suggestions for how to be helpful in the midst of the controversy.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

When Sinners Say ‘I Do’: Sin

Sometime after saying I do, most people begin to realize they have married a sinner. This session will discuss how an honest examination of our own sin will help us to come alongside our spouse as a fellow sinner rather than stand over them as judge.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

When Sinners Say ‘I Do’: Mercy

Sometime after saying I do, most people begin to realize they have married a sinner. This session will discuss how meditation on God’s rich mercy towards us when we were dead in our transgressions and sins will empower us to extend mercy to a sinful spouse.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

The Quest for Contentment

How do you respond when you face incomplete goals or unfulfilled dreams in your life? How can you say with Paul that you have “learned in whatever situation … to be content?” This session will teach us to pursue contentment through Christ who strengthens us. 

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Parenting in Weakness

Few things in life display our own shortcomings and weaknesses as much as the endeavor of parenting. This session will discuss how these weaknesses point up our own need for the gospel and drive us to dependence on God as we parent our children.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Avoiding Legalism in Counseling part 1

Legalism is an ever present danger in Christ’s church and in counseling in particular. This two-part session will help us to understand it so that we will be able to detect, avoid and counter it whenever we see it in ourselves and our associates.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Avoiding Legalism in Counseling 2

Legalism is an ever present danger in Christ’s church and in counseling in particular. This two-part session will help us to understand it so that we will be able to detect, avoid and counter it whenever we see it in ourselves and our associates.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Seeing Your Justification Clearly

When we have a distorted view of reality, we suffer as a result. This session will unpack five truths that will help you develop a proper view of your reality in Christ as it is described in the doctrine of justification by faith.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

A Family Surprised by Grace

The amazing grace of God as expressed through the good news of the gospel has a profound impact on all of life. This session is one man’s testimony of the impact of God’s surprising grace on his family and his church.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Amazing Grace for Dads who Fall Short

Many christian men feel overwhelmed by failure in their role as a father.  This session will seek to encourage dads with the grace God has for them and help them get a vision of the amazing opportunity they have to teach their children about His grace.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Extending God’s Grace Through Hospitality

“Hospitality fleshes out love in a uniquely personal and sacrificial way.” This session will explore the command to all believers to show hospitality, examine several examples from the Scriptures and discuss how it opens up opportunities to share the gospel.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Responding to God’s Grace Through Family Worship

What is family worship, why does it matter and how do we do it? This session will examine a brief history of family worship, encourage you with a look at its effects on the family, the church and the world, and give you some practical steps for instituting a family worship time.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-36. Knowing God’s Will

God’s revelation in Scripture is complete. While every believer is called to seek God’s revealed moral will, some go beyond this and claim that God speaks to them. How does God guide us today? How are we to understand his will for our lives?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-35. You Never Stop Being a Parent: Parenting Your Adult Children

The goal of parenting is to make your children ready to live wisely on their own. Parents must recognize that their relationship with their adult child is very different from what it was when the child was small. One of the biggest mistakes made by Christian parents is to treat young adults as if they were still small children. How can parents foster healthy relationships with their adult children and pursue peace?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC Legacy 2-35. But My Child Is Different!

There are clearly special needs people in the Bible. Having a different child sometimes doesn’t feel like a blessing but God is sovereign over these difficult situations. In these cases, parents are often tempted to make excuses or be overprotecting, but they need to love the way Jesus loves. God chooses the weak, foolish, and despised and his grace is sufficient for us.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-33. Parenting is More Than a Formula 2

Those advocating formulas often assume a form of “parental determinism” – the (unbiblical) belief that how well you follow their formula determines how your kids turn out. Parents who depend on these can tend toward pharisaical pride, as if we can save our kids by our good works. Parenting is not about following an extra-biblical man-made formula; it is about the gospel.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-32. Parenting is More Than a Formula 1

Parents often look for a formula which will guarantee that their kids will turn out right. Many “Christian” approaches to parenting are legalistic. It is very important to distinguish between what Scripture commands versus one of many possible ways to fulfill our responsibilities to God. Some make their particular methodology “law”, while failing to acknowledge that other approaches are equally valid ways to fulfill biblical commands.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC Legacy 2-31. Psychotropic Drugs and Biblical Counseling

Psychotropic drugs improve feelings without changing the counselee’s basic response to circumstances. These medicines produce a mood that doesn’t match the counselee’s real-life situation. How do we think about these medicines from a Christian perspective? How can we better understand drug dependence and withdrawal?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC Legacy 2-30. The Medicine Only Approach to Counseling

This session explores contrasting views of human nature (biblical vs. materialist) and explores a theology of pain and emotion. Medicine may be needed to control a few serious brain conditions, solve a crisis situation, or help a “stuck” counselee begin to move forward. But even those who take these medicines can learn better self control and habits of thought that will lead to greater emotional stability through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC Legacy 2-24. How to Change Your Wife

Christian men are called to love their wives unconditionally, as Chris loves the church. Christlike love is not merely a feeling. It is a commitment. Christ’s love is demonstrated on the Cross. What should a husband do if his wife is hard to love? What should he do if he doesn’t have loving feelings towards his wife?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC Legacy 2-23. How to Change Your Husband

God has designed marriage to be a partnership in which the wife follows her husband’s leadership. Many women suffer under the authority of sinful husbands. What if a husband won’t lead in a Christlike way? What does Peter mean by saying you should win your husband “without a word”?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-14. Anger/Abuse

Anger is a problem both in the world and in the church. Anger is very deceptive and dangerous. It is usually murderous by nature and leads to many other sins. What are some ways that people try to justify their anger? Where does anger come from? How do we go about uprooting anger from the heart?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-01. What is Biblical Counseling? 1

Psychology and theology both deal with the same fundamental issues of meaning and value. Many modern approaches have unscriptural presuppositions and practices. This opening session introduces biblical counseling and the importance of approaching these issues from a Christian perspective.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-03. What is Biblical Counseling? 3

How is the biblical counseling approach different from all other Christian approaches? What are some key texts for defending the sufficiency of the Scriptures for counseling? IBCD’s position of biblical counseling (the Bible as the sole and sufficient authority) is outlined and its key concepts explained.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-05. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 2

This session continues exploring the key questions involved in biblical counseling. Why is investigation a crucial part of the counseling process? What is the goal of asking good questions? Why is it important to give biblical labels to our counselee’s problems? How much sin be dealt with?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-06. General Principles of Biblical Counseling 3

Counseling is more than instruction and the greatest progress in counseling is made between sessions. What are some ways we can prepare our counselees for growth between sessions? Why is concrete homework important? This session completes outlining the key elements of biblical counseling.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-07. How Do People Change? 1

Counseling is about helping people to change. The change biblical counselors seek is unique and unbiblical approaches to change will impede spiritual growth. This session explores how change begins by understanding and applying the Gospel. Understanding our union with Christ is the key to growth in holiness.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-08. How Do People Change? 2

We and our counselees are responsible to exert effort towards change. Immediately after telling us to consider our identity in Christ, Paul exhorts us to take action against the lusts of the flesh. What is the proper use of biblical indicatives and imperatives? What should our motive be for obedience?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-09. Theology and Biblical Counseling

This session covers the fundamental theological concepts involved in biblical counseling. It explores the IBCD and NANC understanding of the Bible’s authority, the Trinity, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-10. Peacemaking 1

Biblical peacemaking is founded on the gospel. Christ came to make peace between God and man. All conflict is the result of sin. Conflict is very dangerous but brings great opportunity: to glorify God, to be more like Christ, to serve others, and to bear witness to a watching world.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-11. Peacemaking 2

As Christians, we ought to do all that is in our power to pursue peace. How can we seek forgiveness biblically? How does the gospel empower us to forgive? Why is it important to go though a thorough process of confession?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-12. Peacemaking 3

This session completes the Peacemaking series of the curriculum. It lays out important things to consider before attempting to confront someone’s sin and describes the peacemaking process. Church discipline is also explored along with how church structure and membership is related to peacemaking.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-13. Grace When Things Are Hard

Trials are the ordinary experience of believers living in a fallen world. Believers in the Bible suffered great trials and we will continue to endure significant trials. Why do Christians tend to be so surprised by trials when the Bible speaks so often about them? How does God work in our trials and use them to mature us?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-15. Depression

What is depression and how are we to understand it? Many secular psychologists see mankind as merely physical and therefore tend to see depression as a physical problem with a chemical solution. Christians recognize the dual nature of mankind – body and soul. What are some important things for biblical counselors to keep in mind when handling cases of depression?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-16. Worry/Anxiety

Worry is a problem of the mind and can become life dominating. Worry, stress, and fear are closely related and often dealt with sinfully. How can we help counselees think about their lives in light of biblical truth? How might someone misunderstand or abuse God’s promises to care for them?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-17. Fear

The Bible says we are to fear God. Fear can also be an appropriate response to real potential dangers. Fear becomes sinful when we fear men more than God and we fail to trust God. What are some proper and healthy manifestations of fear? What are indications that fear has become sinful?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-18. Temptation 1

This session looks at David’s catastrophic sin of adultery in 2 Sam 11:1-5. This passage shows that the Bible is honest about its heroes and serves as a warning to us against sin and presumption. How does David’s sin point us to Christ? What are some practical ways to guard ourselves from temptation?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-19. Temptation 2

What is the difference for an unbeliever and a believer who are confronted with temptation? How is idolatry connected with temptation? This session walks through some specific issues involved with temptation such as substance abuse. How can a drunkard or an addict find help to overcome his sin?

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC1-20. Understanding the Influences of Nature and Nurture

To what extent does our body (nature) and relationships (nurture) affect our hearts? We are embodied creatures. However, both our inner and outer person have been affected by the fall. While we reject both genetic determinism and social determinism, we recognize that the Bible teaches that both body and social environment influence the inner person.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-26. Solving Marriage Problems: Finances

God is the owner and source of all wealth. We need to maintain a balanced perspective on finances. Money can be good but it is also dangerous. Christians need to learn the secret of contentment as they work hard and smart to make a living. Make it your goal to be wise, not rich!

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-28. From Idol to Blessing 2

How can we make our sexual relationships in marriage all that they should be? We need to think about our marriage and sex lives through a gospel lens. Gracious sex gives to your spouse freely, just as God has given to you – treating him/her better than he/she deserves.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

CDC2-27. From Idol to Blessing 1

God created sex to be a blessing. It is part of God’s perfect and holy creation but is often twisted sinfully. Idolatry, more than adultery, is the key to understanding sexual sin. Even something which is good can become sinfully idolatrous when we desire it more than we desire God, are willing to sin in order to get it, or react sinfully when we don’t get what we want.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

The Sin Test

A compilation of helpful questions for use in probing the heart for places where sin might be harbored. This can be helpful in drawing out and identifying sin.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

The Necessity of Prayer in Counseling

Effective counseling involves spiritual warfare. This is why it must be a matter of prayer. In this session  Voddie Baucham shares some personal counseling experiences  to encourage counselors to remember the importance of prayer in counseling.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Hope for Peter, You and Your Counselees

For effective counseling it is absolutely necessary to help counselees to hope in God. How can we help them to have hope in times of suffering? This session will serve as a model of how to use, understand and apply wisdom from 1 Peter 1:1-2:12 in counseling.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Counseling Sexually Abused Women and Children

Because sexual abuse is so prevalent women counselors need to understand how the Bible helps females who have been sexually abused. This workshop will examine the biblical way to deal with the shame and emotional pain of the victim and the role of the church in helping them.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Caring for the Abused

Victims of abuse suffer greatly and need help. This session will teach you to offer compassionate biblical counsel to a victim of abuse as well as providing practical instruction on how to help the victim gain safety and deal with the abuser in a biblical way.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Seven Steps of Parenting

A weekly log for parents to record their implementation of seven elements of good parenting. Examples include praising the children and being a proper example.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Self-Sacrificing Love

A handout detailing 20 aspects of the self-sacrificing love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The negative, positive and extra aspects of such love are detailed in rich description.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Reading Report Form

A one-page reflection sheet that can be used in accompaniment with any reading assignment. This sheet is designed to help counselees engage with and apply the material.

Ministry For A Life-Time: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Questions Mentors Ask

A list of 15 questions for use in counseling and discipleship. These questions are helpful for anyone seeking to come alongside someone and help them articulate what is in their heart.